Home » The operating leasing market grows: + 23.6% in the first 8 months of the year

The operating leasing market grows: + 23.6% in the first 8 months of the year

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The operating leasing market grows: + 23.6% in the first 8 months of the year

A growing market which, with its liveliness, also demonstrates the state of good health of Italian entrepreneurs. Operational instrumental leasing, i.e. rental services to companies and artisans of tools for their business (printers, computers, machinery, electronic devices, etc.) will exceed one billion euros in value this year, at least according to Assilea forecasts that , in the first eight months of 2022, recorded an increase of 23.6% in value compared to the same period of 2021, a year that had already marked an “impressive recovery after the pandemic”, in the words of President Carlo Mscieri.

“The sector is growing strongly – confirms Aurelio Agnusdei, Country manager for Italy of the German group Grenke, one of the main international operators in the sector, which in our country holds about 28% in market value and has grown by 78% in a year between January and August of 2022 -. And this is a positive fact not only for us but for the Italian economy, given that the leasing of capital goods is a bit like the thermometer of the well-being of our companies, freelancers and artisans, who are the customers to whom we, as a group, address ourselves. “

The operating lease is confirmed as a great opportunity for companies that want to invest and grow in a sustainable way, also from a financial point of view, by equipping themselves with the most up-to-date and efficient technologies on the market without tying up capital, affecting corporate debt and without depreciation and charges. related to the ownership of company assets and technologies. Energy is one of the most expanding sectors, especially in terms of renewables – a very hot topic at the moment.

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“Leasing in Italy has particular characteristics compared to the rest of Europe – adds Mescieri -: in the other countries 70% of the loans relate to vehicles, while in Italy most of the operations concern the Equipment, or equipment for companies, especially the small and medium-sized ones, which constitute the backbone of our economy ». This Italian peculiarity is confirmed by Gilles Christ, member of the board of Grenke AG, which however unites our country to Germany, not surprisingly the two main manufacturing states of the Eruopean Union.

Obviously, the digitalization of companies also plays an important role in the spread of Leasing, as Paola Generali, president of Assintel, recalled, speaking at the event organized by Grenke Italia to inaugurate its new Milan office, in the heart of the Lombard financial district of Porta Nuova. , a stone’s throw from the Vertical Forest. Digitization still lagging behind, if we consider that only 15-20% of Italian small and micro companies can really define themselves as digitized.

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