Home » Market making on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is expected to implement 14 approved securities firms by the end of October.

Market making on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is expected to implement 14 approved securities firms by the end of October.

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Market making on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is expected to implement 14 approved securities firms by the end of October.

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  Reporter Lin Jian

The reporter recently learned that market making on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is expected to be implemented before the end of October. The preparatory work for 14 market-making securities firms that have been approved is progressing smoothly, and the business development process is coming to an end. The securities and futures business licenses have been renewed, market-making strategies have been formulated, and positions have been opened simultaneously. According to industry insiders, after the implementation of the market-making system on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board, it will help improve market liquidity, maintain transaction activity, stabilize market fluctuations, promote value return, and help the diversification and diversified development of securities companies’ business.

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Responsible editor: Wang Han

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