Home » Draghi against the final of the European Championships in London: “It should not be played where there is a peak of infections”. UEFA: “No plans to change headquarters”

Draghi against the final of the European Championships in London: “It should not be played where there is a peak of infections”. UEFA: “No plans to change headquarters”

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Divided from football, but united on Europeanism and Atlanticism. Yet the first visit of Mario Draghi, as president of the Council of Ministers, to Germany opens with a thrust against England: “I am committed to bringing the European final away from the peak of infections”. A clear reference to the United Kingdom where in the last week the Delta variant blew up infections and hospitalizations. When asked if the final match of the competition can be played in Rome, the prermier limited himself to answering: “It certainly shouldn’t be played in a country where infections are high”. And the 10 thousand newly infected in England worry Europe a lot.

The Uefa response, in a note, does not open to alternative hypotheses: “Uefa, the English federation and the English authorities are working closely and successfully to organize the semi-finals and the final of the Euro at Wembley and there are no plans to change the venue of those matches ».

Draghi on a possible European final in Rome: “Yes, I will make sure that it is not held in countries with high infections”

The premier’s stance did not surprise German Chancellor Angela Merkel who – indeed – has repeatedly underlined the privileged relationship built with the former president of the ECB: “It is certainly not the first time that Berlin has come, but it is the before he is here as a Premier. Unfortunately, due to Covid, there was no honor guard, but we will recover ».

A symphony appreciated by the premier: “The relationship between Germany and Italy is profoundly lasting and solid, the closeness of views was also seen at the G7” and is based “on Europeanism and Atlanticism”. What divides us – Draghi smiled – “is football, but the positions of the two countries vis-à-vis the USA, Russia and China and the states of North Africa are very close”. However, on the relocation of migrants “we are discussing the negotiations will take some time but there is a desire to arrive at a joint and mutually beneficial position”.

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Draghi then also underlined the change of pace of the executive, as if to underline the distance from the times when Germany asked Italy to “do its homework”. The premier, on the other hand, underlined that “the government is committed to reforms, we used to say structural, I would say systematic, which make Italy more equitable and sustainable. This is the commitment of this government and the commitment will continue. To have a stronger Europe it is necessary to have a stronger Italy ».

Merkel then spoke about Covid: “We are obviously happy that there is a substantial improvement in the situation but we know that progress is fragile and the quota of vaccines is growing but we cannot yet say that we are approaching herd immunity, being also exposed to new variants. We follow everything with extreme attention ».

“The health crisis – echoed Draghi – has contributed to making the ties between the two countries even stronger and I want to remember the help offered by Germany during the first phase of the pandemic with the transport of many Italian patients to German hospitals and also the decisive support of the Chancellor in the launch of the Next Generation Eu ».

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