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what to do if you are positive, updated guide, in order without hassle

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what to do if you are positive, updated guide, in order without hassle

Covid is receding. His pace is slow but it really seems less annoying. However, it can always happen to be positive and then here’s what to do.

It seems to be making us breathe a bit. It really needs to be said after two years of alert and with the mask it seems well placed on our face. The mask is always better to keep close at hand but there is no doubt that things are better now.

We will probably be able to put the great emergency in the album of memories, certainly in that of the most traumatic and traumatic memories. Even now that things are much better, however, it is possible to stumble upon a positivity to Covid. So what to do?

Covid, that day that changed our lives

It was the March 9, 2020 when the then Prime Minister, Joseph Conte, announced that the entire nation was in “lockdown”. Our characteristic boot colored completely red, in the throes of a “fever” of which we knew nothing. That day marked the lives of millions of people and, since that day, beyond 180.000 our compatriots have died from the virus.

After more than two and a half years, the virus continues to circulate. She has changed her appearance several times, disguising herself so she won’t be recognized but thanks to vaccines, and the massive vaccination campaign, she’s much less scary. But even today you can run the risk of getting infected and so here’s what to do if you test positive for Covid. Today the virus is different, but we are different too.

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It was the vaccine, whatever anyone says, that made us stronger and this made it possible to put an end to the state of emergency. Now the rules have to be reformulated and theSpallanzani Institute of Rome, having assessed the new situation linked to the Covid-19sent to the Ministry of Health a sort of memorandum containing the new rules to be followed in case of infection with the virus.

The new rules

Change the general situation, change the rules. For those who test positive home isolation will always be five days from the annoying discovery. The five-day isolation period applies to both asymptomatic people and those with mild symptoms, i.e. without fever. In both cases, however, you must always use the mask until you come back negative.


The novelty is that now to leave the house you will no longer need a negative swab, but the foresight to always use the mask remains. We are getting closer and closer to a virus quarantine comparable to a flu with fever, but always with greater attention. A little more lightness, albeit always keeping attention high. Covid is much less scary today. But he is always there, with a different face, but sneaky as always.

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