Home » Walking, how many steps to take a day to stay healthy: remarkable effects

Walking, how many steps to take a day to stay healthy: remarkable effects

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Walking, how many steps to take a day to stay healthy: remarkable effects

Walking is very important for physical fitness and for a better life: let’s see together how many steps are needed per day to stay healthy.

Walk (Photo from Pexels)

Among the most underrated physical activities by Italians there is certainly walking. Movement is of paramount importance to them, since it brings notable benefits for the body and for the mind. Walking allows you to keep your body weight under control since you burn a lot of calories.

Walking also has positive effects on the cardiovascular system and heart activity: digestion is also improved. According to some interesting Education, those who walk often have a lower risk of developing diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Let’s see together how many steps it takes per day to stay healthy.


Walking: how many steps are needed per day to stay healthy

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Walking (Pixabay)

For years everyone has been talking about the fateful 10,000 steps a day, very useful for staying fit and living better. In fact, some major studies have significantly lowered this threshold. According to a new study published in JAMA Network Openthere is a 50% to 70% lower risk of premature mortality in all those who take at least 7,000 steps a day.

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According to a research conducted by theUniversity of Oregon5,000-7,000 steps a day is perfect for staying healthy. But at least they are needed 3000 steps done faster, thus walking more quickly. The effects connected to this practice are fantastic: the benefits are lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. To monitor the number of steps per day, remember that there are many applications that can be easily downloaded in the stores of your smartphones. Modern fitness devices, such as smartwatches or bundles, have a built-in step counting system.

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