Home » Are you missing new volunteers? The Committee of Intesa alongside the associations

Are you missing new volunteers? The Committee of Intesa alongside the associations

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Are you missing new volunteers?  The Committee of Intesa alongside the associations

“Get rich in hours”. It is not a click-catcher claim, but the slogan chosen by the Committee of Understanding to find new volunteers for associations throughout the Belluno area. The title of the promotional campaign obviously intends to appeal not to the prospect of easy money, but to the personal enrichment that volunteering gives, by dedicating one’s energies and skills to it, even for a short time.

A plan “to try to respond to the needs expressed by the member associations”, highlights Renzo Andrich, vice president of the Committee of Intesa. «At present, 187 groups report difficulties due to the increasingly difficult possibility of finding volunteers, that is, people who dedicate their time to the activity and structure of the associations. How did we want to respond to this need? By promoting a systemic action, responding to a call from the CSV». The cost of the initiative is borne by the Committee of Intesa, also thanks to the donation of Mrs. Maria Alberta Da Rold.

Elisa Roldo, project coordinator, entered into detail. “Fewer and fewer people engage in voluntary work, and those who are active have an ever higher average age, which has risen to 67 years. Furthermore, the retirement age is rising. And young people have increasingly hectic lives, many move to study or work. In addition, the Covid crisis has hit associations hard. So there’s no replacement.”

These are some of the data that emerged between May and June, in the first phase, that of the profiling of associations and volunteers. Targeted interviews were subsequently carried out with the contacts of the 46 member associations, in order to define the profiles of the human resources sought by them, mapping all the territorial and activity areas. From this sample it emerges that «93.5% say they urgently need new volunteers», continues Roldo. «As for the age range required, 50-60 is the most popular. For the type of commitment, for the associations the most important thing is constancy (78.5%)».

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The second phase, from July to November, saw the conception of the advertising campaign, with the support of the “I Buon Motifs” agency. «We selected 15 “models”, 7 men and 8 women, of all ages, from various territories. With the agency we have planned a campaign as widespread as possible, involving newspapers, television, radio, billboards, buses, social media, postcards and the website www.riccoinpocheore.it». Training and support meetings were also organized on the topics of welcoming and integrating new volunteers, with the support of professional trainers. Now the third phase has started, which will end in February, that of launching the campaign and implementing the project.

From the survey carried out, some profiles are in high demand. «Driver for social transport, especially in mountain areas. Figures for the secretariat and accounting, and for the promotion part also via social media. Companions for the elderly, people with disabilities or in the end of life path. And all the relief and civil protection part», Roldo and Andrich specify. To carry out these tasks, «the associations are happy with motivated people arriving, who can then be trained internally», underlines Roldo. “Our job is also to direct interested people to the right place.”

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