Home » Almost all of us make these mistakes that don’t make us lose weight and slow down our metabolism

Almost all of us make these mistakes that don’t make us lose weight and slow down our metabolism

by admin

Staying fit is one of the main goals of men and women of the modern era. The importance of body care has taken hold more and more in a society like ours, which is very attentive to psychophysical wellbeing.

It is for this reason that more importance is given to proper nutrition and motor activity than in the past. Once reserved only for women, the attention paid to the body is now also a male prerogative.

Despite all the precautions, it may happen that we make some mistakes in our lifestyle, which do not allow us to stay in shape as we would like.

Often the result of erroneous beliefs, pseudo weight loss strategies end up having the exact opposite effect. Let’s see what they are.

Almost all of us make these mistakes that don’t make us lose weight and slow down our metabolism

The first mistake is to practice too much physical activity. In a previous article (link here) we talked about the unpleasant effects of so-called “overtraining”, excessive training on our body and mind.

Among these unpleasant effects, one certainly concerns the metabolism. Practicing too much movement is counterproductive if we want to lose weight and speed up the metabolism because it could, on the contrary, slow it down.

The second mistake is that of eliminate carbohydrates. Always considered the number one enemy of diets, they are actually fundamental for our physical well-being. Some studies conducted in Italy have shown that eliminating carbohydrates from the diet could cause damage to the liver and kidneys, but not only. It has also been shown that their presence in the blood stimulates the production of serotonin, which is important for promoting proper rest.

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The third and the most common mistake concerns the number of meals that we consume every day. It is often thought that the less we eat the more we lose weight, but in reality it is the opposite. By consuming small meals several times a day, our body burns calories faster and thus allows us to stay fit.

Almost all of us make these mistakes that don’t make us lose weight and slow down our metabolism, but it’s never too late to fix it.

(Remember to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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