Home » Embrace the new era, seize new opportunities, let the flower of youth bloom in the new rise and new journey of Jinping Lake

Embrace the new era, seize new opportunities, let the flower of youth bloom in the new rise and new journey of Jinping Lake

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Zhong Xudong emphasized at the 22nd Youth League Congress

Embrace the new era, seize new opportunities, let the flower of youth bloom in the new rise and new journey of Jinping Lake

Release date: 2022-12-23 09:36

Source of information: Pinghu City


Yesterday, the 22nd Congress of the Communist Youth League in Pinghu was held in the administrative center of the city. Zhong Xudong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, called on the young youths in the city to take this Youth League Congress as a new starting point, unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, embrace the new era, seize new opportunities, and forge ahead on a new journey. In the fiery practice of promoting the new rise of Jinping Lake at a high level, contribute more beautiful youth power and write a more magnificent chapter of youth! Tian Kai, secretary of the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech, and city leaders Wu Jinhua, He Jian, Mao Jie, Cai Guoping, Song Yiling, and Xu Jing attended the meeting.

On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal People’s Congress, the Municipal Government, and the CPPCC, Zhong Xudong expressed warm congratulations to the convening of the conference, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the Jiaxing Municipal Committee and all walks of life who have long guided, cared and supported the development of our city’s youth undertakings, and expressed our sincere thanks to the hard-working The vast number of young people, members of the Communist Youth League and youth workers from all fronts in the city extend their sincere greetings and fully affirm the achievements of the Communist Youth League in Pinghu City since the 21st Youth League Congress.

Zhong Xudong pointed out that Pinghu is guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and takes “12458” as the strategic focus to accelerate high-quality development and become a model for the new rise of common prosperity, which provides an extremely broad development stage for the city’s youth. The young members of the league must live up to their mission and defend their youthful aspirations with faith. We must thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, learn and understand the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further strengthen our political direction, establish lofty aspirations, correct value orientation, and regard benefiting society and the people as the highest standard for realizing self-worth . To live up to the times, water the flowers of youth with struggle. It is necessary to stimulate the power of innovation, progress, and change, fully participate in the work of the whole center such as integrated development, common prosperity, and digital reform, and further strive to be at the forefront, struggle in the present, and struggle in adversity, so as to keep pace with the times Progress, unity of knowledge and action, forge ahead, and polish the most beautiful background of youth. To live up to your youth, compose the song of youth with your original heart. We must learn to carry forward the spirit of Saihanba, have a heart of love for the land of Pinghu, build our beautiful homeland with hardworking hands, and write the song of youth in the new era.

Zhong Xudong requested that party organizations at all levels in the city should always adhere to the principle of the party governing the youth, based on the fundamental plan of “successors to the party’s cause”, firmly grasp the fundamental task of “cultivating socialist builders and successors”, and serve the Provide a platform for youth to grow into talents. The Youth League Committee must accurately grasp the strategic significance and focus of youth work, further strengthen political leadership, do a good job in service work, expand growth space, strive to provide a larger stage for the majority of young people to perform wonderfully, and strive to open up a new pattern of “Reunion · Pinghu”. The majority of regiment cadres should be young friends, not youth “officials”, go deep into the youth, think about what the youth think, be anxious about the urgency of the youth, and hope for the hope of the youth, and truly become the trustworthy, reliable and inseparable of the youth. caring person.

At the opening ceremony, Sun Kunqi made a report to the conference on behalf of the 21st Pinghu Committee of the Communist Youth League, the representative of the Young Pioneers delivered a speech, and the person in charge of the Municipal Women’s Federation delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the masses.

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