Home » Turin-Cremonese 0-0: grenade plastered, few emotions in the friendly

Turin-Cremonese 0-0: grenade plastered, few emotions in the friendly

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Turin-Cremonese 0-0: grenade plastered, few emotions in the friendly

The friendly match between Turin and Cremonese was goalless: the most tempting opportunity for the grenade came from Schuurs

The friendly match between Turin and Cremonese ends with a 0-0 draw without great blasts. The grenades, with as many as 10 absent from the ranks, performed well during the match, without however finding decisive ideas. The exception was an insidious conclusion by Schuurs and a missed chance by Sanabria, which could have directed the match differently. In the second half many changes and space for the young players of the Primavera, with Ciammaglichella showing off in the final.

The choices: Lukic absent, Ilkhan-Gineitis in midfield

The grenades take the field with the usual 3-4-2-1. Juric confirms Milinkovic-Savic between the posts. In defence, a change from the last friendly match against Almeria: Djidji returns as right arm, Schuurs confirmed as central, Zima on the left replacing Buongiorno. In the middle of the field both Lukic and Ricci out, in the median space for the duo Ilkhan-Gineitis; instead confirmed on the outside lanes Lazaro and Vojvoda. Radonjic is seen again on the frontline after the World Cup, alongside Miranchuk. First striker Sanabria, absent Pellegri. Many defections among the grenade ranks, Lukic’s due to flu syndrome stands out.

First half: Schuurs close to scoring, Ilkhan out through injury

Cremonese less packed than Turin at the start. The Lombards showed up from the first minutes and would already have the opportunity to take the lead in the 7th minute, when Sernicola scored behind Vanja, but started from an offside position. Then the grenades begin to burn and we see the first buckling by Lazaro and the first attempts at incursions by Radonjic and Miranchuk. In the 14th minute the Serbian lights up and starts off on the left, dribbles past two opponents, but is stopped at the moment of a cross aimed in the middle. The grenades become more concrete and even more dangerous. So in the 17th minute Carnesecchi was forced to make two close saves. First engages Radonjic, served by Vojvoda; then Schuurs, who tows his chest in the area on the development of a corner and kicks with his right foot with a sure shot, touching the net. The response from Cremonese comes with two plays from Milanese, who tunnels first to Lazaro and then to Djidji but concludes in the arms of Vanja. Immediately afterwards, Cremonese risked the turnaround: Sanabria picked up Miranchuk’s throw well on the offside edge, but sensationally missed the target when he tried to overtake Carnesecchi with a lob. In the half hour also a tile for Juric: Ilkhan falls badly after an aerial tackle in midfield and comes out limping to the applause, Adopo enters in his place. At the end of the first half the result remained unchanged, 0-0.

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Second half: Vojvoda wastes sills

Juric confirms the starting eleven in the second half. However, the match remains packed and indeed, it risks going downhill for the Cremonese when Vojvoda serves Dessers directly by making a mistake in a comfortable disengagement, Vanja intervenes with his feet. Then the grenade response: one-two between Adopo and Sanabria, with the midfielder receiving the ball again from the penalty spot, but losing time for his shot and turning around, looking for Vojvoda in tow. The Kosovar shoots, but is central. In the 58th minute Juric made the first two substitutions: Rodriguez for Djidji and Ciammaglichella for Radonjic. The midfielder of the Primavera is immediately appreciated for a tear on the frontline, on the reversal in front it is then Vanja who says no to Afena-Gyan. In the 67th minute, the grenades reappeared in the area of ​​Sarr, who took over for Carnesecchi: Vojvoda only found the outside of the net in the development of a corner. Immediately afterwards the dialogue between Sanabria and Adopo was renewed, who this time did not hesitate and kicked on goal with a right diagonal that ended up on the back before a still proactive Ciammaglichella could hole up the tap-in. For the last quarter of an hour, a whirlwind of changes between the grenade ranks: Buongiorno for Schuurs, Bayeye for Zima, Caccavo for Sanabria, Dembelé for Vojvoda, Weidmann for Lazaro, Edera for Miranchuk and Berisha for Milinkovic-Savic. Among them Caccavo immediately shows up with a header just wide. In the 87th minute it was Gineitis who gave Toro the last few minutes of hope, setting up on his own from the edge, but finding Sarr’s answer. But in the end there wasn’t even recovery and the match ended 0-0 at the “Grande Torino”.

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The scoreboard

TORINO (3-4-2-1): Milinkovic Savic (st 29′ Berisha); Zima (st 29′ Bayeye), Schuurs (st 29′ Buongiorno), Djidji (st 13′ Rodriguez); Lazaro (st 29′ Weidmann), Ilkhan (pt 30′ Adopo), Gineitis, Vojvoda (st 29′ Dembele); Radonjic (st 13′ Ciammaglichella), Miranchuk (st 29′ Edera); Sanabria (st 29′ Caccavo). Available: Fiorenza, Ruszel, Wade, Antolini. Trainer:juric.

CREMONESE (4-3-2-1): Carnesecchi (st 1′ Sarr); Sernicola (st 32′ Baez), Hendry (st 32′ Vasquez), Bianchetti (st 22′ Aiwu), Ghiglione (st 1′ Lochoshvili); Pickel (st 22′ Tsadjout), Ascacibar (st 13′ Castagnetti), Milanese (st 13′ Meite); Bonaiuto (st 13′ Afena-Gyan), Okereke (st 22′ Zanimacchia); Dessers (st 13′ Ciofani). Available: Saro, Valeri, Acella, Escalante, Quagliata. Trainer: Alvini.

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