Home » Genoa, via Posalunga landslide, today protected entrances for displaced persons into homes

Genoa, via Posalunga landslide, today protected entrances for displaced persons into homes

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Genoa, via Posalunga landslide, today protected entrances for displaced persons into homes

This morning, under the control of the fire brigade and the Civil Protection, some inhabitants of the two buildings in via Posalunga displaced after the landslide on Christmas Eve will be able to return to their homes for brief moments to recover their personal belongings.
At the moment, the houses of the two street numbers 46 and 46 A, evacuated yesterday following a large landslide from a retaining wall on the back of the two buildings, remain unusable.
A series of inspections and checks with instruments will be needed to understand if the buildings can be considered safe, if they have not suffered any injuries or if instead reinforcement and piling interventions of the collapsed ridge will be necessary.
The house at number 46, which was gutted by some large boulders, was fortunately empty: in fact it had been evacuated as a precaution on December 22, a decision which avoided a tragedy. The displaced residents have all received the proposal to be accommodated in hotels that have agreements with the Municipality of Genoa and transported by bus. The five residents of number 46 had already been accommodated in the hotel in the days preceding the landslide.

In the meantime, there is an initial political position to be recorded on the matter. It comes from Unione Popolare Genova, a left-wing party: “It was Borgoratti’s turn. Once again a popular neighborhood, devastated by building speculation and wild overbuilding, is marked by yet another disaster: on Christmas Eve, in via Posalunga, a landslide gutted an apartment and forced 45 people to evacuate their homes. By pure chance there were no casualties.
The geological instability of the hill overlooking the houses had been known for some time. For too long, hydrogeological instability and the risk of landslides in fragile territories have been ignored.

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Landslide in Genoa, a building evacuated, boulders on the terrace. The tenants: “It looked like an earthquake”.

ISPRA data from 2018 tell us that in a large part of Liguria this risk is from high to very high: twenty thousand homes are affected”. The note then attacks the major works and the Gronda in particular, arguing that “useful, necessary, much more numerous and safe jobs would be those created with the maintenance, mitigation, renaturalization and safety of the territory and its inhabitants”.

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