Home » Shareholder reduction + exchange key monitoring!The eight-linked dairy industry’s bull stock has become the highest bid in the two cities. It was once investigated by the regulatory department.

Shareholder reduction + exchange key monitoring!The eight-linked dairy industry’s bull stock has become the highest bid in the two cities. It was once investigated by the regulatory department.

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Shareholder reduction + exchange key monitoring!Eight Lianban Dairy Co., Ltd. became the highest bid in the two cities and was investigated by the regulatory authorities

News from the Financial Associated Press on December 31 (Editor Square)Maiquer, a big dairy stock with a total market value of 2.9 billion yuan, announced last night that it would reply to the letter of concern.Since the company resumed production of pure milk in August 2022, production and sales of pure milk and other products have gradually resumedShareholders holding more than 5% of the company’s sharesChangji State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. in 2022On December 30, 500,000 shares were reduced through block transactionsIn the next three months, it is temporarily impossible to determine the relevant reduction plan.It is not ruled out that there is a possibility of continuing to reduce holdings in the next three months

Maiquer received a letter of concern from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on December 28, requesting the company to verify and explain 6 mattersincluding: the current production and sales status and year-on-year changes of major products; checking whether the company’s controlling shareholder, actual controller and persons acting in concert, shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, directors, supervisors, senior managers and their immediate family members have traded during the stock price fluctuation period the behavior of the company’s stock,Whether there is any suspected insider tradingwait.

In this announcement, Maiquer explained the letter of concern item by item, and the company also stated thatFundamentals have not changed significantly; Recently, the public media has not reported undisclosed material information that may or has had a greater impact on the company’s stock trading price.The company has not received on-site surveys from institutions and individual investors in the near future. The controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company are not suspected of insider trading.

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The Shenzhen Stock Exchange released this week’s market transaction supervision dynamics, focusing on monitoring such as “Mai Quer”, which has experienced an abnormal increase recently.

In addition, Maiquer has issued three announcements on abnormal fluctuations in stock trading in recent days, and the company has stated that,The recent production and operation conditions are normal, and there have been no major changes in the internal and external operating environment; There are no major matters that should be disclosed but not disclosed by the company, controlling shareholders and actual controllers, andThere are no major events in the planning stage.

As soon as the announcement of replying to the follow-up letter came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among many netizens on the Cailianshe APP. Some people said, “Why didn’t the shareholding reduction be announced in advance”, some people said, “This food looks too ugly”, and some people said, “This is concerned about the level of Han’s reply.”

Maiquer closed at the daily limit on Friday, at 16.72 yuan, with a turnover of 796 million yuan and a turnover of 31.16%. So far,Maiquer successfully recorded eight consecutive boards, becoming the highest bid in the two cities.In a long-term perspective, the company has accumulated the largest increase of 125% from the low point on November 28 so far.

However, it is worth noting that in July 2022, due to the addition of propylene glycol to pure milk,Mai Quer was investigated by the regulatory authorities,In the end, the company was confiscated of 360,000 yuan of illegal income, all unqualified pure milk products, and a fine of 73.15 million yuan.

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Although the company replied in the inquiry letter to the semi-annual report at the end of October that the company’s relevant suspension of production has ended, and the production of pure milk has gradually resumed, and other business production and operation activities are normal, and the products can be sold on the market after passing the inspection. The average output is about 20% of that before the shutdown.However, this incident had an impact of 316 million yuan on the company’s net profit.

According to public information, Maiquer’s main business is the research and development, processing and sales of dairy products, bakery food manufacturing, distribution and bakery chain stores, festival food, frozen drinks and other products. Among them, dairy products include four series of products: sterilized milk, modified milk, milk beverage and fermented milk. The semi-annual report shows that dairy products accounted for 69.23% of revenue.

On the news, according to the database of the China Commercial Industry Research Institute, the national dairy product output in November 2022 will increase compared with the same period last year. In November 2022, the national dairy product output will be 2.722 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%. From January to November 2022, the national dairy product output will be 28.489 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 2.8%.

Shenang Securities Research Report pointed out that the retail scale of my country’s dairy industry has increased from about 365 billion yuan in 2016 to 471.4 billion yuan in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate of 5.25%. It is expected to reach 596.7 billion yuan in 2026.

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Tianfeng Securities analyst Liu Zhangming believes that,Dairy products, as a rigid-demand consumer product, still have strong resilience. The return of the peak season in Q4 and the pre-Spring Festival are expected to drive the sector’s revenue growth to pick upAt the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the elastic recovery of optional categories under the expected recovery of consumption scenarios.Although the cost improvement trend of dairy enterprises is slower than expected, the direction of profit recovery may not change under the downward trend of raw material prices.

The traditional peak season of consumption is coming, and all industries are making the final sprint to win better business results throughout the year. In addition, many places are also intensively issuing consumer coupons to stimulate the consumer market.At present, the epidemic still has a certain disturbance to the recovery of demand in the short term, but in the long run, it is still in the general trend of overall recovery.

Dongxing Securities analyst Meng Sishuo and other research reports on December 28 believe that since the release of the new crown epidemic prevention and control in December, the overall performance of residents’ consumption affected by the epidemic has been weak, which is not good for dairy companies in the short term, but in the medium and long term, it is expected that the Spring Festival in 2023 before and afterWhen the peak period of the epidemic is over, my country’s policy stimulus for consumption and investment will drive consumption to pick up, and the healthy attributes of liquid milk will drive its demand recovery, forming a support for milk prices

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