Home » Covid, Xi Jinping sees “a ray of hope” in China and calls for unity

Covid, Xi Jinping sees “a ray of hope” in China and calls for unity

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Covid, Xi Jinping sees “a ray of hope” in China and calls for unity

The Chinese president, Xi Jinpingsees a “light of hope” in the fight against Covid-19, despite the explosion of infections in the country. “Since Covid-19 hit we have always put people first and life first. Following a science-based and focused approach, we have tailored our Covid response in light of the evolving situation to protect life and people’s health,” he said yesterday in his address to the nation to mark the end of 2022: “With extraordinary efforts, we have prevailed over unprecedented difficulties and challenges, and it has not been an easy journey for anyone. We have now entered a new phase of the response to Covid in which difficult challenges remain. Everyone is resisting with great fortitude and the light of hope is right before us”.

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“Everyone perseveres and works hard, and the dawn is ahead of us. We work harder, perseverance means victory and unity means victory,” he added. “China will be a country that performs miracles through hard work. As long as we have the determination to move mountains and the perseverance to trudge, as long as we keep our feet on the ground and continue our journey making steady progress, we will turn our great goals into reality”.

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The sudden openings in recent weeks after years of “Zero Covid” policy, which had provoked unusual popular protests, has led to infections that have spread throughout the country and caused international concern, with many Western countries, including Britain, France and Italy which have placed limits on travelers from China.

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