Home » Delivery of the new La Paz-Valledupar road will be this Monday, right now?

Delivery of the new La Paz-Valledupar road will be this Monday, right now?

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Delivery of the new La Paz-Valledupar road will be this Monday, right now?

The Ministry of Transportation and the National Institute of Roads announced that the new delivery date for the La Paz-Valledupar road is this Monday, January 16 at 8:30 in the morning from the remodeled Rafael Escalona bridge.

The commissioning of this avenue was scheduled for Thursday the 12th of this month, but the Vallenatos, pacificos and other Cesarenses woke up that day with the news that the event had been suspended.

Lea: Inauguration of the new La Paz-Valledupar road postponed

The national government indicated that the Minister of Transportation, Guillermo Reyes, and the national director of Invías, Juan Alfonso Latorre, should be with President Gustavo Petro in the department of Cauca due to the emergency caused by landslides that affected roads and communities.

It may interest you: New La Paz-Valledupar highway will be enabled on Thursday, January 12

Official invitation to the commissioning of the track. / PHOTO: JOAQUIN RAMIREZ.


In addition to the national highway that exceeds 9 kilometers and the remodeling of the Rafael Escalona bridge, the Ministry of Transportation will also put into operation a roundabout at the entrance to La Paz and another for access to the National University of Colombia based in this municipality.

The objective of the last roundabout is to allow the entrance of the university population to the campus, as well as to avoid the crossing of vehicles.

In addition to Minister Reyes, the governor in charge of Cesar, Andrés Meza, and the mayors Mello Castro and Martín Zuleta, as well as citizen observers, will attend. Until the writing of this note, the presence of the national director of Invías was not confirmed.

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Official sources have indicated that the two-lane highway has only one direction: La Paz-Valledupar, as the work is signposted, although there are those who request that the Government allow two-way mobility.
Thus, the urban road begins in the San Fernando neighborhood, southeast of the capital of Cesar, until it connects with the Cacique Upar roundabout. EL PILÓN was in this area over the weekend and spoke with some drivers, who expressed their concern about the possible increase in traffic.

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However, the Valledupar Transit and Transportation Secretary, Diana Daza, asserted that this Monday they will have a work table with Invías “to issue a technical concept” on the case, when they study the road management plan.

Invías in Cesar argues that it has a voluntary intervention permit from the municipality of Valledupar, which was “issued and delivered in July 2022.”


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