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trends in face and body treatments – iO Donna

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trends in face and body treatments – iO Donna

Sccording to the investigation conducted by My Doctor, over 62% of Italians would be in favor of aesthetic medicine. The reason must be sought in the pandemic. More than 1 out of 4 Italians – about 27% – sees in fact the relationship with one’s physical appearance worsened compared to 2020, condition that does not change despite the Body Postive movement. The doctor Stephanie Folloni, explains and outlines what the aesthetic medicine trends of 2023 will be.

Aesthetic medicine 2023: botulinum toxin and fillers for the face and neck

The pandemic and smart working have increased the attention of Italians towards their physical appearance, especially towards the face and neck, the protagonists of the video calls that populate modern working life.

The result? Italians now have a more critical view of their own image. Indeed, My Doctor’s investigation shows that among the least appreciated parts, in 2 out of 5 cases (42%) they indicate the facewith particular attention to leather (24%)to the eyes or to the eyelids (11%) and lips (7%). Not surprisingly, there has been an increase in the demand for corrective actions.

Jennifer Lopez (Instagram/@jlo)

«Requests from the beginning of the pandemic to today have increased rapidly compared to previous years. There botulinum toxin and the lip fillers or along the perioral area are the most popular, but there is also growing attention to the texture of the skin and therefore the use of personalized cosmetics (or cosmeceuticals),” explains the doctor Stephanie Folloni.

Lip fillers? Yes, but natural

“Tendally, patients ask for voluminous but natural lips and less lined and tired eyes; often driven by a desire to look more like the ‘woman’ they have inside» continues the expert.

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Requests are not lacking even for the masculine: «Men focus more on the mandibular areaand, desiring it more defined, and on interventions aimed at the scalp. It could be said that the male approach to beauty is more practical and guided by the desire to improve some very specific areas to appear more virile» continues the expert.

The curative approach to blemishes

More than half of Italians (62%) would say yes to the help of aesthetic medicine in 2023, especially for like each other more (41%), but also to treat and prevent purely aesthetic issues (31%), such as poor peripheral circulation.

In fact, they top the wish list carbossiterapia (24%) e mesotherapy (20%), «two excellent allies for the improvement of cellulite, thanks to their curative and preventive power»declares the expert.

Among the least appreciated areas of the body? legs and buttocks, according to 38% of the interviewees.

Pro-aging: interventions to prevent

Between treatments of the future what is denoted, however, is an increasingly less invasive or transformative approach. Which no longer focuses on solutions last minute but rather about treatments that prevent and slow down aging: in favor of a well-being that does not completely hide the signs of aging.

«The trend is to approach an increasingly ethical, sustainable and natural aesthetic medicine. In this sense, more and more treatments such as the PRP (platelet rich plasma) e the innovative TAR (autologous regenerative therapy): who use elements already present in the body to obtain cellular regeneration», explains the doctor.

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The result of this type of treatment is not to be found in an instantaneous effect, but in their ability to start a healing process. improvement of the texture and tone of the skin, keeping the tissues younger and more elastic in a natural and progressive way.

Aesthetic medicine and “body positive”: relationships

Therefore, the years in which extra-large lips or drawn and inexpressive faces were very popular and, according to Dr. Stefania Folloni, «The Movimento Body Positive it was fundamental in spreading an idea of ​​natural beautywithout all those interventions that totally distort the person».

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«The search for naturalness must not coincide with an accusatory gaze towards aesthetic medicine; similarly, choosing this type of treatment does not mean not accepting your body.

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Naturalness also contemplates diversity and therefore non-judgment towards those who want to see themselves more consistent with the ideal image of themselves through the use of small medical interventions” concludes the expert.

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