Home » Apostolic Nuncio to the Democratic Republic of the Congo: People expect Pope to heal country’s wounds – Vatican News Vatican

Apostolic Nuncio to the Democratic Republic of the Congo: People expect Pope to heal country’s wounds – Vatican News Vatican

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Apostolic Nuncio to the Democratic Republic of the Congo: People expect Pope to heal country’s wounds – Vatican News Vatican

Shortly before Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, another terrorist bombing targeted Protestant Pentecostals in the country. Archbishop Balestreiro, the Holy See’s ambassador to the country, told Vatican News that the people of the country are looking forward to the Pope’s visit and pray that the Pope will help them heal the country’s wounds.

(Vatican News Network)Shortly before Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo, on January 15, another terrorist bombing targeted a Protestant Pentecostal church in the country’s North Kivu province, killing 17 people and injuring more than 40. tragedy. After the tragedy, Archbishop Ettore Balestrero, the Holy See’s ambassador to the country, told the Vatican News Network the expectations of the people of the country for the Pope’s visit and the current preparations.

Archbishop Balestrero said that the Pope had planned to visit Goma in North Kivu province, but that is now impossible. An enormous effort has been made in terms of security and public order: just consider that at least 2 million people are expected to attend the Pope’s Mass in Kinshasa. “Every week,” said the Archbishop, “I meet with the Prime Minister and the heads of the local Church. We have done a lot… and there are some touching stories: for example, there is a boy who comes to the Holy See Embassy every Sunday. Participated in Mass. He was very interested in the Pope’s visit, and just yesterday he asked for Christian initiation. It seems to me that the main purpose of this papal visit is: to stir up in those who have no faith. Faith, and heightened joy in those who have it. Many say the Pope’s visit is a dream come true. Across the country, people are hoping for words of comfort and healing for wounds that unfortunately still bleed, especially In the eastern part of the country.”

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