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Children at the sea: how long to wait to swim after eating

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Elena Bozzola, Pediatrician at the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome

Summer has arrived and the scene is always the same. On the one hand children who, with the enthusiasm of the first baths, are pawing impatiently, on the other worried mothers who, with a watch in hand, repeat “it’s too early”. Yes, because the phrase “bathing after eating is dangerous” is a saying that has been handed down from generation to generation. In fact, the classic “three hours after eating” is a bit more of a legend than actual medical advice. First of all, it is worth remembering that each food has a different digestion time and that there is no precise waiting time between a meal and a swim in the sea. Just as there is no real ideal meal for the sea. However, there are some rules that apply to everyone, young and old. Therefore, if the program is a day at the beach and the child is particularly lively and exuberant, it is better to prefer light and easy to digest foods, such as fruit and vegetables. Then, if you eat small meals, chewing well, the digestion process is aided.

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However, here are some rules to always respect for a safe swim in the sea:

1. offer the child a drink often: hydration is very important, especially in the hottest hours;

2. always remember sunscreen to protect children’s skin even if the plan is to take a dip right away. The water does not wash off the cream, but it is important, after a bath, to apply it again even if it is a resistant product. And remember to apply a high protection cream, always, even if the child is already tanned

3. pay attention when the child is in the water, even if equipped with armrests or a donut. The risk of drowning is always there. Do not lose sight of even children who can swim independently

4. always wet the baby’s head well or cover it with a hat, especially in the hottest hours, even by the sea

5. encourage a slow and gradual entry into the water, especially if the child is hot and the water is cold. Rapid temperature changes can be dangerous

6. If the child feels cold or uncomfortable in the water, invite him to go out, dry him well and let him rest.

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by Elena Bozzola


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