Home » What happens if I drink coffee on an empty stomach? The shocking answer

What happens if I drink coffee on an empty stomach? The shocking answer

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What happens if I drink coffee on an empty stomach?  The shocking answer

Coffee is a very popular drink all over the world obtained from the grinding and roasting of the seeds of the plant of the genus Coffea. The most notable and most widespread varieties are Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta, mostly cultivated in South America, Africa, India and Southeast Asia. Sowing is done using selected grains which make the plant fruitful around the fifth year. Flowering can occur several times during the year and on an identical branch you can see both the flowers and the fruits, also called coffee cherries. One of the many doubts about coffee is whether it can be drunk on an empty stomach.

What happens if I drink coffee on an empty stomach? The shocking answer

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is a serious nutritional mistake and a bad habit. Then caffeine is a methylxanthine, an alkaloid and a molecule capable of influencing itself with the DNA of all the cells of the body. Well yes, caffeine and the other molecules enclosed in a cup of espresso work on our genetic heritage, say the researchers. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the production of gastric acid: the hydrochloric acid produced damages the stomach lining.

This also applies to decaffeinated coffee. In fact, with an empty stomach in sensitive subjects, the increase in acidity caused by caffeine can cause lesions on the stomach wall with the appearance of gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux. Nutritionists also recommend drinking a cup of coffee by eating yoghurt and small pieces of natural fresh fruit. In fact, the benefits of this drink can be increased and it is better not to add any teaspoon of sugar, since fruit already contains natural sugars such as fructose and yogurt contains lactose.

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It’s a good habit to taste the bitterness of coffee without sugar and, if you just can’t do without it, it’s a good idea to tie it to a piece of bread spread with a little honey. Finally, another piece of advice is obviously never to exceed 4 cups a day. A research team from the University Hospital of Navarra Pamplona, ​​Spain, has validated the thesis that drinking four cups of coffee a day perceptibly decreases the risk of early death.

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1 comment

Chris Robinson January 30, 2023 - 4:12 pm

What a load of cobblers.
Pseudoscience and unsupported claims, If the research evidence exists, provide a citation.
Who writes this claptrap?


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