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the infallible

BY: Jorge Eliseo Cabrera Caicedo

A good ruler should recognize that he is not infallible, that he can be wrong. President Gustavo Petro included health reform in his government program, without specifying the scope of his proposal and without any opportunity for his constituents to express his opinion.

This week the result of an objective and serious survey conducted by the firm INVAMER (the most credible) was released, in which it appears that 73% of Colombians gave their approval rating to the current health system. Six out of 10 people disagree with eliminating EPS; 67% are not willing to switch to a public scheme.

We remember with astonishment the words of President Petro when he stated that the Colombian health system was one of the worst in the world, when the reality is that it has been described as one of the best.

Regarding the changes that should be adopted, to improve the service, 45% thought that there must be greater agility to be attended and 55% expressed that there is a delay in assigning appointments.

The Minister of Education and former Minister of Health Alejandro Gaviria has been categorical in stating: “Without a clear diagnosis or an answer to the questions raised, the proposed reform can do a lot of damage. Lots of damage.”

The results of the survey should be taken into account by the national government before publicizing the health reform project. The mistake of trying to return to the times of the failed public model of social security must be recognized, with the aggravating circumstance of giving mayors and Governors health management. It is not serious to say that the people voted for the program of candidate Petro. So it would mean that the elevated electric train project between Buenaventura and Barranquilla must be carried out at all costs.

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The government must listen to the voices of its own ministers and public opinion.

The prominent economist Mauricio Cabrera Gálvis said last Monday, in reference to oil: “To consume less oil in the future, we need to produce more oil today. Because replacing energy sources is more expensive and requires billions of resources”.

President, listen to your own ministers and friends.

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