Home » The Stock Exchanges are hoping for the “dove” Powell, but in the meantime they are looking at the quarterly reports

The Stock Exchanges are hoping for the “dove” Powell, but in the meantime they are looking at the quarterly reports

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The Stock Exchanges are hoping for the “dove” Powell, but in the meantime they are looking at the quarterly reports

MILANO – The monetary policy of the central banks and its repercussions on the markets and on the economies remains the trend of greatest interest for operators and households, also in the coming week. The trend of Pursesup nearly 10% since early 2023 despite a macroeconomic slowdown and geopolitical fears over a conflict entering its 12th month, was particularly resilient through Friday, a sign that investors believe the company’s most recent decisions Fed and of Bce on interest rates are somehow the peak after which the phase of violent monetary tightening imposed by the authorities in the last 13 months begins to ease. On Tuesday the president of the Fed, Jerome Powellwill be atEconomic club Of Washington and he will be able to clarify whether this impression is correct, after he already seemed conciliatory last Wednesday in the meeting of the US institution.

In Europa the most important data concerns the German inflation in January, edited by You are ready who revised the time series. L’State Italy, on the other hand, will release data on retail trade and industrial production, as well as the monthly note on economic performance. Instead, the season of the 2022 closing accounts is coming to life, quite benign so far because the signs of a slowdown in the cycle and of a rise in prices do not seem to have left any particular negative effects on the profits of the major listed companies. In arrival, among others, the data of AstraZeneca and the two banking giants Bnp Paribas e Swiss creditwhile in the US, it will be up to Disney it’s at Uber. A Business Square it’s up to the pursuing banks of Unicredit e Intesa Sanpaolowho have archived 2022 profits for a total of 9.55 billion: in days we will see if bpm bank e Mps they will be equally favored by the rise in interest margins driven by interest rates Bce.

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Here are the main appointments on the agenda breaking latest news

Monday 6
Enel: presentation of the new energy pole in Catania, with the CEO, Francesco Starace and the Minister of Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin
Mef: the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, in Brescia for a Coldiretti public meeting
Germania: orders to industry in December
Eurozone: retail sales in December

Tuesday 7
bpm bank: 2022 results and conference call
CGIL: Flai congress with the general secretary, Maurizio Landini
Energy: study “Proposal for a zero carbon technology roadmap”, with the CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi and the minister of energy security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.
Fed: President Jerome Powell addresses the Economic Club of Washington
Usa: trade balance in december

Wednesday 8

Mps: presentation of 2022 results and conference call
Energy: “The 2030 plan for the electricity sector”, with the Minister of Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin; the minister of enterprises Adolfo Urso; the CEO of Enel, Francesco Starace
State: retail trade in December
Bce: Press conference by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Andrea Enria
Usa: weekly oil inventories

Thursday 9

Court of Auditors: inauguration of the judicial year
Steal: presentation of the 2023 Risk Map
Bce: Vice-President Luis de Guindos speaks at a forum of the Karol Wojtyla Institute in Madrid
Germania: inflation in January
Usa: New weekly jobless claims

Friday 10

State: industrial production in December and Monthly note on the trend of the economy
Chinese: inflation in January
Usa: Michigan Confidence Index in February

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