Home » LULA-BOLSONARO, WHO IS IT, WHO IS IT? — The Latin American giant, the Brazilians, the world

LULA-BOLSONARO, WHO IS IT, WHO IS IT? — The Latin American giant, the Brazilians, the world

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LULA-BOLSONARO, WHO IS IT, WHO IS IT?  — The Latin American giant, the Brazilians, the world

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Guided, questioned and stimulated by Francesco Toscano, Gianmarco Landi, Romolo Lazzaretti and Fulvio Grimaldi, who saw Brazil in Lula’s first presidential term, only to see its crisis and fall, confront themselves with what is happening, starting with the invasion of Brasilia by supporters of the ex-president Bolsonaro. Supporters who do not accept the verdict of the presidential election, won by Lula Da Silva.

What judgment to give of the two contenders, starting from their respective social backgrounds, from the things done, from the positions taken, from the scandals they went through, and from the geopolitical references. Bolsonaro, who distrusts the pandemic operation as it is consecrated in the USA, strengthens the BRICS group, removed from the obligation to engage in the globalization desired by the West. But Bolsonaro, too, who is at the tip of a line-up that includes the military, the landowners, the very powerful evangelical churches.

Then Lula, bolstered by success in his first term, weakened by the failed achievements of the second, overwhelmed by the corruption that has engulfed his party, the president who succeeded him and himself, but who still has the trust of the popular sectors, of the peasants without land, of the millions of poor in the desolate Northeast. Lula who boasts a close friendship with Washington through top figures like Bush and Obama, but who sends his first greetings to Putin and frowns on the deluge of weapons and money on Ukraine

The Western media, in their usual manipulation-simplification, offer a drastically Manichean picture of the opposition that opposes not only the two politicians, where one, Lula, is the angel, and the other, Bolsonaro is the devil, but the entire population of the Latin American giant. But are things really like this?

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Meanwhile, the drumbeat on the invasion of the institutional buildings in Brasilia served the false and lying media to conceal the coup d’état carried out under the usual US mandate in Peru against a democratically elected president who had sided with reforms for the benefit of the excluded classes . For two weeks a bloody repression has been underway against an entire population that protests against the coup, but since talking about it would embarrass the puppeteers of the coup, of all the Latin American coups, including the one not yet completely thwarted in Bolivia, there is clamor about “fascists” attacking the headquarters of “democracy” in Brasilia.

On what all this could mean for the Brazilian people, for the other countries of the subcontinent and for the world balance, for the domestic and geopolitical future embarked on by Lula the arduous sentence. In any case, be careful to accept things as they are presented to you by the usual “fans”

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