Home » The crisis, thanks to exports, does not stop the food industry

The crisis, thanks to exports, does not stop the food industry

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The crisis, thanks to exports, does not stop the food industry

«The 2022 results are further confirmation that the food industry contributes significantly to the country’s economic growth, of which it represents a fundamental asset. The success of Made in Italy food exports also testifies that the originality, quality and safety of our products remain a solid guarantee of competitiveness in all the main international markets». Paolo Mascarino, the new president of Federalimentare, comments on the latest available estimates on the economic performance of the sector in 2022. In fact, despite the crisis, the internal market has held up, while exports have once again set a new record: 176 billion in turnover of the food industry alone, with +13% on 2021, against a growth in volume of 1% and foreign trade which, again according to estimates, would register a +19% on 2021 reaching 49.2 billion euro, against a growth in volume of 5%.

The data were illustrated during the press conference announcing the 2023 edition of Cibus which will take place on 29 and 30 March in Parma. Over 1,000 brands on display, all champions of Made in Italy food & beverage, and about five hundred new products ready to be launched. 20,000 professionals are expected, including operators of Modern Distribution, Ho.Re.Ca. and restaurant chains; a quarter of them are foreign buyers from 90 countries, including the top buyers selected for incoming in collaboration with the ICE agency. Four new thematic areas that Cibus inaugurates this year, two traditionally linked to made in Italy excellence (fresh fruit and vegetables and artisanal production of ice cream and pastry), two with highly innovative content (plant-based components and food integration). For Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiera di Parma «Cibus 2023 demonstrates an increasingly organic vision of food made in Italy».

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The main novelty of this edition of Cibus is the inauguration of the new Fruit&Vegetables theme itinerary. The area intends to bring the experiences and innovations of fresh fruit and vegetable producers to the fair, thanks to an extensive program of events and meetings, which address various topics, such as sustainable and supportive logistics, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and sales through nutritional shopper marketing, the climate transition and its effects on consumption. One of the growth factors is also represented by aggregations. The Consorzio Agroalimentare dell’Agro Pontino is going in this direction, promoted by Confcooperative and set up a couple of weeks ago, which brings together 24 associated companies, 638 producer members and 2,294 employees with a turnover of 275.5 million.

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