Home » AUSL Modena – The Local Health Authority adheres to “Cardiologie Aperte”, for a week the cardiologists of Carpi and Mirandola are available to citizens for telephone consultations

AUSL Modena – The Local Health Authority adheres to “Cardiologie Aperte”, for a week the cardiologists of Carpi and Mirandola are available to citizens for telephone consultations

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AUSL Modena – The Local Health Authority adheres to “Cardiologie Aperte”, for a week the cardiologists of Carpi and Mirandola are available to citizens for telephone consultations

By contacting the toll-free number 800 05 22 33 during the week of the campaign, from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 16, it will be possible to ask questions and doubts about problems related to heart disease, to which the cardiologists of Carpi and Mirandola will answer for a free cardiological consultation.

According to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, cardiovascular diseases still represent the main cause of death in our country, being responsible for 44% of all deaths. In particular, ischemic heart disease is the first cause of death in Italy, accounting for 28% of all deaths, while strokes are in third place with 13%, after tumors. Those who survive a heart attack become chronically ill. The disease changes the quality of life and entails significant economic costs for society. In Italy the prevalence of citizens suffering from cardiovascular disability is equal to 4.4 per thousand (Istat data).

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