Home » Earthquake between Turkey and Syria: UN, death toll could double

Earthquake between Turkey and Syria: UN, death toll could double

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Earthquake between Turkey and Syria: UN, death toll could double

The overall death toll from the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on Monday exceeded 25 thousand. Official sources report it.

United Nations international aid chief Martin Griffiths described the devastating earthquake that hit southeastern Turkey and northwestern Syria as “the worst disaster in the last 100 years in the region”. This was reported by Turkish TV.
Earthquake death toll in Turkey and Syria could “double”. This is supported by the undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs of the United Nations Martin Griffiths, in an interview with Sky News. “There are all kinds of rumors out there about how this could end” and “I think it’s really hard to estimate very precisely because we still have to dig under the rubble, but I’m sure it (the death toll) will double or more” said the UN emergency relief coordinator, who is located in the Turkish province of Kahramanmaras. “This is terrifying.”

The bodies of the Italian family of Syrian origin hit by the earthquake that hit southern Turkey were found lifeless in Antioch. This was announced by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who expressed his closeness to the family members “to whom he-he tweeted-he will not lack our support”.

“Italian aid for Syria is leaving from Pisa airport. Thank you”. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani writes it on Twitter


A newborn baby believed to be 2 months old has been rescued after 128 hours in the rubble following the devastating earthquake that hit southern Turkey. The Turkish agency Anadolu writes it, without providing further details.

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Previously a two-year-old girl had also been pulled alive from the rubble after 122 hours. The baby was found in Antakya district, Hatay province. Subsequently, after 124.5 hours under the rubble, an 83-year-old woman was rescued in the province of Malatya, Anadolu reports. Furthermore, according to CNN Turk, a 16-year-old boy – Kamil Can – was rescued after 119 hours in the Turkish city of Kahramanmaras.

Earthquake in Turkey, half Kahramanmaras collapsed

The toll from earthquakes that devastated parts of Turkey and Syria has risen to at least 24,218 dead, Sky News reports. In Syria, the victims are at least 3,553, of which at least 2,166 in the rebel-controlled north-west and at least 1,387 in government-controlled areas.

Earthquake in Turkey, the rescue operations of the firefighters in Antioch

Meanwhile, the Syrian civil protection NGO White Helmets (White Helmets) has announced the end of searches, in rebel-held areas in the north and north-west of the country, for any survivors of the earthquakes that devastated southern Turkey and the Northern Syria: CNN reports it. The group of volunteers said they believe that none of the people still trapped under the rubble are still alive.

Read the full article on ANSA.it

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