Home » my country’s large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to be launched this year: it will fly with Tiangong and orbit 300 times the field of view of Hubble–fast technology–technology changes the future

my country’s large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to be launched this year: it will fly with Tiangong and orbit 300 times the field of view of Hubble–fast technology–technology changes the future

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my country’s large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to be launched this year: it will fly with Tiangong and orbit 300 times the field of view of Hubble–fast technology–technology changes the future

my country’s large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to launch this year: it will fly 300 times Hubble’s field of view in conjunction with Tiangong

2023-02-13 16:15:45 Source: Fast Technology Author: Xianrui Editor: Xianrui Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

At the end of 2022, my country officially completed the Tiangong space station. At present, there are still Shenzhou 15 astronauts working on the space station. In the future, the space station may have another big guy, that is the CSST large-scale sky survey space telescope developed by my country. emission.

According to the latest version of the China Aerospace White Paper, after the full completion of the Tiangong space station, my country will start CSST launch and deployment in due course, and carry out more extensive astronomical surveys.

The launch time of the CSST telescope was said to be around 2024,The latest report from the Overseas Edition of the People’s Daily shows that it is expected to be launched this year, but the specific time was not mentioned, it may be the end of the year.

my country's large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to launch this year: it will fly 300 times Hubble's field of view in conjunction with Tiangong

It is understood that the lens diameter of China’s CSST telescope is 2 meters, which is slightly smaller than that of the Hubble Telescope, which is about 2.4 meters.

But its field of view is about 300 times that of the Hubble Telescope, and it can complete large-scale cosmic observations relatively quickly.

CSST takes the Tiangong space station as its space home port. During normal observations, it stays away from the space station and flies independently in co-orbit with it. When it needs supplies or maintenance and upgrades, it actively rendezvous and docks with the “Tiangong” and docks at the space home port.

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my country's large-scale sky survey space telescope is expected to launch this year: it will fly 300 times Hubble's field of view in conjunction with Tiangong

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Editor in charge: Xianrui

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