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Deninson, the one from Petro?

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Deninson, the one from Petro?

Deninson Mendoza is identified among the political class as “Quintero’s”, due to his closeness to the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, with whom he worked until a few months ago and whose movement -Independientes- he represents in the race for the Mayor’s Office of Cali…

However, it is evident that the former manager of Telemedellín is working strategically to go from being “Quintero’s” before the political class to become “Petro’s” before Cali.

With a much better management of networks and campaign image than that of the other pre-candidates who aspire to stay with the candidacy of the Historical Pact for Mayor of Cali, Deninson Mendoza has been in charge of sending messages that put him in clear harmony with the President Gustavo Petro before public opinion.

Mendoza unrestrictedly supports the reforms promoted by the Petro government, and in the face of any announcement by the president, he quickly comes out to support him in public, especially if it has to do with Cali…

He did so when the president announced his intention to leave his studies for the Cali metro, something that some sectors questioned, since they consider that first it is necessary to carry out the suburban train.

“President @petrogustavo, the “intelligent opposition” thanks you for your willingness to leave METRO studies and designs for Cali but says NO for now, to keep the desire. I, Deninson Mendoza, as the next mayor of the city, give you my resounding YES,” the candidate wrote on Twitter.

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Added to this is the fact that the former manager of Telemedellín is dedicated to “throwing stones” at the two political sectors hated by Petrism: Fajardismo and Uribismo.

Proof of this are the controversies he has had with congressman Christian Garcés, from the Democratic Center, with whom he worked at the beginning of his political career, and the taunts he has launched on social networks against two of his Fajardista-line competitors, Catalina Ortiz and Alejandro Eder. He knows that this makes him visible and positions him before the people of the Historical Pact and he seems to be willing to pay the price of receiving a club from his counterparts…

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Mendoza is clear about his strategy, he is exploiting the fact that he is “black” -as he himself says-, he is dedicated to touring the city and he already has billboards, because the collection of signatures allows him…

Although the pre-candidate is widely unknown, like the others who compete for the candidacy of the Historical Pact for Mayor of Cali, he is thrashing them in strategy…

Will it be enough for Deninson to become Petro’s? He is convinced that whoever is the candidate of the Historical Pact will win the Mayor of Cali.

The post Deninson, the one from Petro? appeared first on Diario Occidente.

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