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Ovarian cancer, what it is, symptoms and how to prevent it

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Ovarian cancer, what it is, symptoms and how to prevent it

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Il ovarian cancer it is a form of cancer that affects women in the area of ​​the ovaries, which is the female reproductive organ that produces eggs. The ovarian cancer it can occur in different types of ovarian cells and is classified according to the type of cells involved.

Ovarian tumors can be benign or malignant. Most benign ovarian tumors pose no threat to your health but malignant ones can spread to other parts of the body and become dangerous.

Ovarian cancer can cause a number of symptoms, including abdominal swelling, pelvic pain, weight loss, difficulty eating e need to urinate more frequently. However, in some cases, the cancer may be asymptomatic.

The exact cause of ovarian cancer is still not fully understood, but there are some risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing the disease, such as age, family history of ovarian cancer, use of hormone therapies, and infertility.

Treatment of ovarian cancer depends on its severity and how far it has spread. Typically, treatment may include surgery to remove the tumor chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. However, the treatment depends on the specific situation of the patient and must be determined by the treating physician.

How to prevent ovarian cancer?

There is no definitive solution yet to prevent ovarian cancer, but there are some things women can do to reduce their risk of developing the disease. Here are some tips:

  • Regular checkup with your doctor: Checking regularly with your doctor can help identify ovarian cancer in the early stages and increase the chances of successful treatment. Women are advised to have regular gynecological checkups and to promptly report any abnormal symptoms.
  • Taking care of reproductive health: Some factors that may increase the risk of ovarian cancer are not being pregnant and using hormone replacement therapy. Women should discuss any risks associated with hormone therapies and birth control options with their doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: L’obesity it can increase your risk of developing ovarian cancer, so it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet.
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and improve overall health.
  • Reduce alcohol consumptionl: Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer, so women are advised to limit their alcohol consumption.
  • Evaluate the possibility of prophylaxis: Women with a family history of ovarian cancer may be candidates for prophylaxis, which is the surgical removal of their ovaries to reduce the risk of developing the disease. However, this is an important decision that needs to be made after a thorough discussion with a specialist doctor.
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In general, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following your doctor’s recommendations can help reduce your risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Photos from DepositPhotos.

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