Home » EU, Lega and FdI sign the charter of values ​​of the European right: “No to super state, respect the freedom of nations”

EU, Lega and FdI sign the charter of values ​​of the European right: “No to super state, respect the freedom of nations”

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A manifesto of European sovereign parties, signed by both the Lega and the Fdi. It is “The Appeal for the future of Europe”, a sort of charter of values ​​signed by the political forces that are part of three different groups in the EU Parliament, namely “Identity and Democracy” (Id) and “Conservatives” (Ecr) , plus Fidesz who left the EPP and is one of the non-members. They signed the document: ID – Lega (Italy) – RN (France) – FPOE (Austria) – Vlaams Belang (Belgium) – DPP (Denmark) – Ekre (Estonia) – PS (Finland) ECR – PiS (Poland) – VoX (Spain) – FdI (Italy) – JA21 (Netherlands) – EL (Greece) – PNT-CD (Romania) – LLRA-KSS (Lithuania) – VMRO (Bulgaria) NOT REGISTERED – Fidesz (Hungary). For the Carroccio “it is a concrete step that follows the Budapest summit organized last April with Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orbßn and Mateusz Morawiecki”.

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“In the debate on the future of Europe, which has recently begun – reads the appeal – the voice of the parties interested in the freedom of nations and the sentiment of the European peoples, who represent citizens linked by a European tradition, must not be lacking. The turbulent history Europe, especially in the last century, is characterized by many adversities. Nations that defended their sovereignty and territorial integrity from the aggressors have suffered beyond human imagination. After the Second World War, some European countries had to struggle with the domination of the Soviet totalitarianism for decades, before regaining independence “.

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“This independence, the Atlantic link of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty, as well as the peace between the cooperating nations, are great achievements for a significant number of Europeans, having given them a sense of permanent security and created optimal conditions for development. The integration process has done much to create lasting structures of cooperation and to maintain peace, mutual understanding and good relations between states. This work must be kept as a value of epoch-making importance. However, the series of crises that have shaken Europe over the past decade have shown that European cooperation is faltering, especially as nations feel slowly being stripped of their right to exercise their legitimate sovereign powers. “

“The use of political structures and laws to create a European superstate and new forms of social structure – the document continues – is a manifestation of the dangerous and invasive social engineering of the past, a situation that must lead to legitimate resistance. L he moralistic hyperactivism that we have seen in recent years in the EU institutions has led to the development of a dangerous tendency to impose an ideological monopoly. We are convinced that the cooperation of European nations should be based on traditions, respect for the culture and history of European states, on respect for the Judeo-Christian heritage of Europe and on the common values ​​that unite our nations, and not aiming at their destruction “.

“We reaffirm our belief that the family is the fundamental unit of our nations. At a time when Europe is facing a severe demographic crisis with low birth rates and an aging population, family policy should be the response to mass immigration. We are convinced that sovereignty in Europe is and must remain with the European nations. The European Union was created by these nations to achieve goals that can be achieved more effectively by the Union than by individuals Member states”.

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“However, the limits of the Union’s competences are set by the principle of attribution – all competences not conferred on the Union belong to the Member States, in compliance with the principle of subsidiarity. Through constant reinterpretation of the Treaties by the Union institutions European Union in recent decades, these boundaries have shifted significantly to the detriment of states. All of this is inconsistent with the fundamental values ​​of the Union and is leading to a decline in the confidence of European nations and their citizens in these institutions. “

“To stop and reverse this trend – continues the appeal – it is necessary to create, in addition to the existing principle of attribution, a set of inviolable competences of the Member States of the European Union, and an appropriate mechanism for their protection, with the participation of national constitutional courts or equivalent bodies. All attempts to transform European institutions into bodies that prevail over national constitutional institutions create confusion, undermine the meaning of treaties, question the fundamental role of member states’ constitutions, and disputes over competences that derive from it are in fact resolved with the violent imposition of the will of politically stronger entities on weaker ones “.

“All this destroys the basis for the European community to function as a community of free nations. We believe that consensus must remain the fundamental means of reaching a common position in the Union. Recent attempts to circumvent this procedure or ideas about its abolition threaten to exclude some countries from influence on decision-making and to transform the Union into a special form of oligarchy. This could lead to the de facto annulment of national constitutional bodies, including governments and parliaments, reduced to the function of approving decisions already taken from others. In the member countries there is still a strong desire for cooperation, and a spirit of community and friendship pervades the nations and societies of our continent “.

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“It is our great capital. A reformed Union will be able to use this capital, while a Union that refuses to reform will waste it. This is why – it is the conclusion – today we are addressing all parties and groups that share our opinions, with this document as a basis for common cultural and political work, respecting the role of the current political groups. Let’s reform the Union together for the future of Europe! “.

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