Home » Oristano, mother stabs her 13-year-old daughter to death and throws herself out of the window

Oristano, mother stabs her 13-year-old daughter to death and throws herself out of the window

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Oristano, mother stabs her 13-year-old daughter to death and throws herself out of the window

Yet another argument at home between a woman and her teenage daughter in a small town in the province of Oristano ended in tragedy. Clear Charteraged 13, was stabbed to death by her mother, Monica Vinci, of 52, in the early afternoon in Silì, a hamlet of Oristano. The woman then, taken by desperation, threw herself into the void, from the window of the house, suffering a head injury and several wounds. She is hospitalized in very serious conditions at the Santissima Annunziata hospital in Sassari. The 112 alarm was given by a passerby, who passed near the home of the Carta family, in via Martiri del Risorgimento in Silì, shortly after 2.30 pm. Monica Vinci’s body was lying on the ground after she had attempted suicide. The girl, however, was found dead in the bathroom of the house.

The discovery of the body

It was the father Peter Carta, agent of the local police of Oristano, called by the neighbors, to make the macabre discovery. Chiara was on the ground in a lake of blood, with several wounds caused by a knife. The help of the 118 medical staff was useless, the 13-year-old was already dead. Her mother, on the other hand, was urgently transported by air ambulance to the civil hospital of Sassari. In addition to the 118, the policemen of the Oristano mobile team arrived on the spot, led by the manager Samuele Cabitzosowith the agents of the Scientific Police, the magistrate on duty Valerio Bagattini and the coroner Roberto Demontis, arrived from Cagliari. The woman, originally from Nureci (a small town in the province of Oristano) had separated from her husband a few years ago. She was unemployed and lived alone with Chiara, her only child from her marriage.

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The motive

The investigators are trying to reconstruct the sequence of the dramatic events. It is not yet known what the reason why the woman grabbed a knife and stabbed her daughter to death. According to some testimonies, the 52-year-old was not having an easy time and recently she would also have had some health problems. Probably, according to an initial reconstruction, the murder would have occurred after a heated discussion, the umpteenth. According to what has been learned, she allegedly attacked her behind her back. In fact, the girl was found dead with several wounds on her back.

A shocked country

In Silì, where everyone knew Chiara and her mother Monica Vinci, discouragement and pain reigned. After the tragedy, the neighbors – incredulous – and many other people went under the building where mother and daughter lived alone. The road has been cordoned off by the police. Late in the evening, the body was transported to the San Martino hospital in Oristano, where an autopsy will be performed. Condolence was expressed by the mayor of Oristano Maximilian Sanna. “With deep sorrow we have learned of the tragedy that has struck our community. The tragic death of one of our young fellow citizens leaves us incredulous and speechless. It is a terrible and meaningless event that has affected all of us in a very profound way. I hear you speak on behalf of the entire Oristano community expressing condolences and sincere condolences to the family and friends of the young victim. The community gathers around the family to offer support and solidarity in this difficult moment. We feel particularly close to the father of the victim who we know well, and whose talents we appreciate, because he belongs to the Municipal Police Corps”. As a sign of mourning, the mayor has canceled all collateral events at the Sartiglia, the traditional equestrian tournament that has been held for centuries every Sunday and Tuesday of carnival.

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