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RUE AGTHONIS AW23 Capsule Collection Debuts at London Fashion Week_TOM NEWS

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RUE AGTHONIS AW23 Capsule Collection Debuts at London Fashion Week_TOM NEWS

On February 18, 2023, RUE AGTHONIS presented the AW23 capsule collection in a different form at the House of Fine Art Gallery in Mayfair during London Fashion Week. In a private and charming space, eye-catching and lively color stories are written, and the stretched posture of the dancers is like bathing in the free sunshine, weaving a dream of rhythm.

This season RUE AGTHONIS pays tribute to pioneers in the field of modern dance, such as Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis, who expressed themselves through dance, devoted their lives to passion and continued to explore artistic paths. The AW23 capsule series uses the art form of dance as a carrier to celebrate its agility and freedom, ignite the unruly and wildness of natural beauty, and lead the spirit of exploration that is not limited by traditional expectations. The rhythmic movements of the dancers are clearly reproduced in the cut silhouettes and gorgeous fabrics of the entire series, and the fields of art and fashion overlap and collide to create wanton and indulgence.

The beauty of free rhythm and harmony RUE AGTHONIS AW23 capsule series unveiled at London Fashion Week

The AW23 capsule collection combines the delicate techniques of hand-painted flowers and custom-made fabrics. Different natural elements express the ease of breaking free from shackles, which is the emerging theme of the entire series. The inspiration for the new season comes from the alternation of the four seasons, the wind and the water, the self-renewal of the growth of all things, the vastness of the day and the ground, they are unique and extraordinary components of nature, and they can be presented in the fashion world. Dimensional splendor.

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The beauty of free rhythm and harmony RUE AGTHONIS AW23 capsule series unveiled at London Fashion Week

The beauty of free rhythm and harmony RUE AGTHONIS AW23 capsule series unveiled at London Fashion Week

at the same time,AW23 Capsule CollectionCarrying the visual expression of the theme of freedom through dance, you can not only feel the silence of the gurgling time in the elegant tweed color scheme, but also awaken the optimism and joy in your heart in the shimmering gold sequins, and extend the infinite beauty. Memories and imaginations—wandering in the green fields, or playing at the seaside, these are the moments when you can be your true self without restraint, and compose the beauty of a harmonious life.

RUE AGTHONIS In the 23 autumn and winter series, the brand’s emotions and concepts will continue to be conveyed: love, quality and positive beauty. The body is fully reflected, traveling through the natural world, capturing the rhythm of the new season, and conveying the hope of freedom.

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