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Government presented the new tourism public policy

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Government presented the new tourism public policy

The Colombian Government presented this Tuesday the public tourism policy with which it hopes to attract this year 5.4 million travelers and with the expectation that this figure will reach 7.5 million non-resident visitors in 2026.

The program called “Tourism in Harmony with life” It was presented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT).

The commitment is to strengthen the capacities of the communities, the development of the territories, the environment, the sustainable economy and the inclusion of historically excluded territories, thus creating social and environmental justice.

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The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, German Umaña, said in a statement that the Government presented the tourism policy with which they are committed “to the economic transition and the development of the sector, taking advantage of the natural wealth and the immense tourist potential of Colombia”.

The four axes of the initiative that will be applied in the next three years are focused on the democratization of tourism as a transforming force for a culture of peace, tourist territories for well-being and equity, tourism: alternative for the economic transition and protection of nature and the internationalization of the sector.

With this roadmap, the Government’s expectations are that by 2023, 5.44 million tourists will arrive in the country and by 2026 it is expected to receive “to 7.5 million non-resident visitors in a conservative scenario and 12 million in the ideal optimistic scenario.”

Likewise, it is projected to generate 300,000 new jobs in the sector between this year and 2026. It also estimates that tourism exports will go from 7,301 million dollars in 2022 to 9,906 million dollars in 2026.

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The tourism plan was presented by Minister Umaña in the 37th National Meeting of Regional Tourism Authorities that was held today in Bogotá and had the participation of tourism authorities from the 32 departments of the country.

The one on tourism followed the presentation of the plan to reindustrialize the country, which has as its pillars the energy transition, the popular economy and the health sector, in order to increase exports, which was released on Monday by Umaña.

The objectives of this policy will focus on closing productivity gaps, strengthening productive chains and investment, diversify the domestic and exportable supply and deepen the integration with Latin America and the Caribbean.

With information from EFE Agency*

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