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Mysterious Bubbling Brown Foam Geyser Forms Over Sports Field

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Mysterious Bubbling Brown Foam Geyser Forms Over Sports Field

A puddle of brown foam that appears to be bubbling has suddenly appeared on a rugby pitch leaving astonished witnesses. The possible causes

A huge geyser of brown foam that seems to be bubbling has suddenly appeared on a rugby pitch in west London leaving those present in disbelief and somewhat worried. The images went viral on Twitter starting February 18 accompanied by the caption: “A strange bubbling hole appeared today on the ground of ruislip Rugby Club, directly above the HS2 works. Oddly it stopped bubbling when construction stopped. They are currently guarding the hole.” In fact, under the ‘geyser’ there would be a sinkhole and according to the first hypotheses, not yet confirmed, it could be connected to the construction works of the High Speed ​​2 line which will connect London, Birmingham, East Midlands, Leeds, Sheefield and Manchester from 2026. It will be the second high-speed line in the country after High Speed ​​1 which connects London to the Channel Tunnel.

The mystery about the puddle remains because HS2 denied that it was a chasm underlining that investigations are underway: it is hypothesized that the problem may have been caused by a machine used to dig tunnels which crossed a small pre-existing hole, carrying the foam to the surface through the narrow hole. “I visited the site on Sunday and found frothy bubbles rising and bursting in multiple places over a 7m diameter,” said one resident. The leak would later be sealed by removing the ‘mysterious’ foam.

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