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lung cancer and bronchopulmonary complications

Alberto Sordi: the actor who died in 2003

Twenty years ago he left us Alberto Sordi. The actor died on February 24, 2003 at the age of 82, in his villa in Piazza Numa Pompilio, in Rome. In 2001 the actor fell ill with lung cancer in 2001. Death was brought about by bronchomonary complications following his serious illness, he hadn’t left the house for three months. In 1997 she confessed: “I think about death, like everyone else, but without anguish. I know I will leave one day but I continue to live with the same enthusiasm as when I was young. Life is too great a gift not to be enjoyed. And then as a Catholic, I believe in the immortality of the soul”, he reported Republic.

The funeral was celebrated in the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, the actor is buried in the Monumental Cemetery of Verano. His epitaph is engraved on his tombstone: “Sor Marchese, it’s time”, joke taken from his film “The Marquis del Grillo”.

Alberto Sordi: the career

Alberto Sordi he was born on June 15, 1920 in Rome, where he lived all his life (apart from a stay in Milan to attend the amateur dramatics academy). His first popularity was born on the radio, while in the cinema he became known as the Italian voice of Oliver Hardy in Laurel and Hardy. In the cinema, for over ten years, he played minor roles in about twenty films, until Federico Fellini chose him as the protagonist of The White Sheik (1952) e The calves (1953): “NIt wasn’t just a business meeting, but a friendship of over fifty years, a lifetime”, recalled the actor in an interview with Repubblica on the occasion of the director’s funeral in Rome. In 1965 Sordi made his debut behind the camera with London smoke. His films include: The seducer (1954); the great war (1959); Everybody at home (1960); The mobster (1962); Prisoner awaiting trial (1971); The scientific scope (1972); A tiny little bourgeois (1977); The imaginary patient (1979); The Marquis of Grillo (1981); Too strong (1986). In 1995 you received the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the Venice Film Festival. From 1954 to 1995 Alberto Sordi won 4 Silver Ribbons, a Silver Bear in Berlin in 1972, a Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in 1995 and a David di Donatello for Lifetime Achievement in 1999.

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