Home » Cricket, Chinese that counts for nothing. A retired old comedian who…

Cricket, Chinese that counts for nothing. A retired old comedian who…

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Cricket, Chinese that counts for nothing.  A retired old comedian who…

Grillo and the Chinese. An old disarmed comedian who sings his lullaby of lost time to the moon of Ostia

Beppe Grillo, wizened and aged – apparently Gloria Swanson in Avenue of the sunset – he showed up at the swearing-in party of the new Chinese ambassador in Italia Jia Guide who thus made the first misstep of his Roman career. She did not give up on the sketch by recommending a white balloon that he says he shot down in the Ligurian skies, right above his home.

An out of place joke – no one laughed – which embarrassed the new ambassador and gave Italy a new fool at an international level. But Grillo is like that. It is the bad conscience of populist, superficial and careless Italy which unfortunately governed the country for five years and then melted away like snow in the sun in a sort of revival of the trajectory of Guglielmo Giannini’s Every Man.

Italy is like this. He confuses sovereignty with populism and trusts old vaudeville comedians and we know something about it with the other follower of Grillo, that is with that comedian Zelensky who is leading the world towards a Third Nuclear World War.

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