Home » On the seaside resorts Mattarella sticks with Meloni: sign the milleproroghe to avoid chaos but ask for changes

On the seaside resorts Mattarella sticks with Meloni: sign the milleproroghe to avoid chaos but ask for changes

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On the seaside resorts Mattarella sticks with Meloni: sign the milleproroghe to avoid chaos but ask for changes

And now things are getting more serious. Because they are not the Donzelli, i Delmastro oh valditara who have also done things that would have already demanded the censure of the Prime Minister who is guarantor of all and no longer the political leader of one party. This time the Head of State spoke. On the contrary, Sergio Mattarella he wrote.

And it is a letter of reminder to the Prime Minister and to the presidents of the Senate and Chamber that leaves no doubts: the A thousand extensions goes in Journal, it is promulgated, but only because so many deadlines are mingled within it that not doing so would cause chaos. In reality there would have been extremes for not signing: for questions of method – abuse of the emergency decree and uneven rules – and of merit. The latter concern the one-two year extension of the concessions for bathing establishments which does not comply with European legislation. It is the first real yellow card that the Quirinal whistle at Meloni government. It comes exactly four months after the government was sworn in.

It is noted that four months had passed even when in the 2018 – was the October 4th – Always Mattarella whistled the same foul at the Conte1 government by and security decrees Of Salvini. Ten months later – August 2019 – the Conte1 fell to make room for the Giallorossi del Conte2. The oppositions cheer,”finally – they hiss – we had been waiting for the intervention of the Head of State for a while, the rave decree, the first of this government to cry out for revenge”. Not just the rave decree. Even the decree Ong just fired. And many other decrees, sometimes even useless like the one on Transparency. In these four months the Head of State, albeit provoked, has never reacted. “He fears there is some sort of prejudice about him. That’s why he has pulled the brake so far ” it was a reading suggested by circles close to the Quirinale.

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Until yesterday. When she spoke crystal clear. “The examination of the law converting the decree-law” writes in the letter “has brought out multiple critical profiles starting with state concessions, which could justify the exercise ofarticle 74 from the Constitution”. Meaning what Mattarella it also examined the rejection and the request to the Chambers for a new promulgation. “I am however aware – he precised – of the delicacy, from a constitutional point of view, of the referral to the Chambers of a law converting a decree-law, a few days after its expiry: it would inevitably cause all the numerous other provisions contained to cease, with retroactive and irreversible effects, causing uncertainty and disorientation in the public administrations and in the recipients of the regulations”.

So he signed it but specifying that there is “the unavoidable need for further government and parliamentary initiatives” to correct the rules which in any case would lend themselves to disputes and probable challenges with theUe, il Council of State, local authorities etc. For the rest – abuse of the decree and uneven rules – the President of the Republic expects a turnaround “as already assured by the Prime Minister recently”. It cannot escape that the letter arrives the day after an official lunch of the Head of State with the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. Both were together with Palermo for the inauguration of the academic year. And undoubtedly between a plate of fish and a fruit granita, the two exchanged views on various topical issues – fromUkraine all‘energy – and also on bathing, question related to Pnrr across the competition bill.

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It was no mystery that extending by a year i.e. al 2025 the licenses of the over two thousand beach concessions without making the tenders in the January 2024 as expected, precisely, from ddl Competition (last measure to be signed Draghi of which, however, the implementing decrees that the Meloni government never did) would have made Brussels turn up their noses. The infringement procedure could-should start right away. Unless the letter of Mattarella is not a shield to guarantee that things will change according to the demands of the market and of Brussels. It is a fact that the Competition law and a ruling by the Council of State oblige tenders to be called by the end of this year (2023). And that the amendments introduced in One thousand extensions at the request of Lega e Come on Italy, they say the opposite instead.

The usual uncertainty and ambiguity that make the’Italia, in the eyes of’Europa, often unreliable. And that complicate the life of citizens, entrepreneurs, local authorities given that from now on, faced with the obvious contradictions contained in the various regulations, appeals and complaints will flock. And everyone will be right in their own way. A world of fools. With à la carte rules. The letter also shatters the decree in general which has become, against the law and the rules, a kind of salami with a little bit of everything in it. The oppositions cheer for “the epochal fool”. It is not clear how the government can now correct without contradicting itself. As had already happened for the rave decree. But he will have to. It is written clearly and roundly in the letter of Head of State.

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For sure Giorgia Meloni he would have gladly done without this umpteenth trouble. After having still opened the dossiers with the loyalists Donzelli e Delmastro, defended by the government and the minister but disheartened by the facts. Not to mention the ally Berlusconi pilloried by Zelensky and from Ppe for his pro-Russian positions. Or the Minister of Education Joseph Vallettara (Lega) which shoots one every fifteen days, more or less. The latest – the attack on the principal of Florence who warned against the risk of fascism in a beautiful letter – should soon bring him to court. To explain how it can “a Minister of Education to be so ideological”. All the oppositions are asking for it, from Verdi e Left al Third Pole passing through Pd e M5s. But it might also not be enough.

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