Home » From Fiorello to Venier, from Meloni to Sangiuliano: greetings to Costanzo. The embrace between Maria De Filippi and her son Gabriele – The videos

From Fiorello to Venier, from Meloni to Sangiuliano: greetings to Costanzo. The embrace between Maria De Filippi and her son Gabriele – The videos

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From Fiorello to Venier, from Meloni to Sangiuliano: greetings to Costanzo.  The embrace between Maria De Filippi and her son Gabriele – The videos

Passing through a side entrance, Maria De Filippi arrived at the funeral home set up in the Campidoglio for her husband Maurizio Costanzo, who died yesterday at the age of 84 years old. With her also the adopted son of the couple, Gabriele. The two sat in the front rows, in the seats reserved for relatives and friends. While the flow of people continues the incessant homage to Costanzo, the presenter consoles her son, in tears. Shortly thereafter, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also arrived at the Sala della Promoteca, where she met the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri to welcome her. «I could not say that I am a talent that he discovered, but certainly my very first television appearances were at Maurizio Costanzo Show. I was more or less 17 years old », the president of the council declared to the press present outside the hall. In the morning, Fiorello had also passed by to greet the conductor, with whom Costanzo had remained the protagonist of a now iconic curtain, on the notes of Mr Boombastic by Shaggy. They also passed through the funeral home Mara Venier and Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, who recalled the advice given to him by the presenter at the birth of Tg2 Post. «He was a master of television, I think he left an important mark in Italian journalism and TV. This is also why we have decided in agreement with Palazzo Chigi to proclaim solemn funerals», he declared as he left the room.

Video source: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev

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