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Ministers do not agree with the Health Reform

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Ministers do not agree with the Health Reform

The letter is addressed to Carolina Corcho, Minister of Health who is promoting the reform, it contains 17 pages and contains concerns of all kinds.

It is a letter that was published by the lawyer Daniel Briceño, who assured that in principle they tried to “hide it from public opinion.”

The signatories would be Ministers Jose Antonio Ocampo, of Finance; Alexander Gaviria, Education; Cecilia Lopez, Agriculture; and Jorge Ivan Gonzalez, director of the National Planning Department, DNP.

Paradoxically, the leaked document does not show the signatures or the names of the holders of each portfolio. Furthermore, the communication is undated.

However, in the text various criticisms are made of the draft law called ‘by means of which the social security system is restructured and norms are established to guarantee the effective enjoyment of the fundamental right to health‘.

Among the different notes there are warnings about constitutional risks, proposals against the regulation of the EPS and considerations of the fiscal impact.

The document addressed to Carolina Corcho, Minister of Health, emphasizes that the reform must be processed in a statutory manner because it is a fundamental right.

Then, clarity is requested about what is actually going to happen with the EPS, more breadth in the definition of the mixed model and limiting the functions of the members of the National Health Council.

In addition, explanations are requested about the management of resources and the administration of the different funds, among other comments, such as the fiscal impact that the reform would generate, which would cost 29.7 billion pesos per year to be implemented.}

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Until now, Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia, has supported the project, although voices such as those of the previous government, the opposition, and even that of Roy Barreras, president of the Senate, have rejected the idea that the minister wants to implement, considering it “ideologized.” ” and whimsical.

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