Home » Pordenone, Diaw pulls the brake: he wants to wait for more calls

Pordenone, Diaw pulls the brake: he wants to wait for more calls

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He is not convinced of returning to neroverde, Perugia, Cremonese and Vicenza are already looking for him. Negotiations with Monza were therefore blocked and extended to Ciurria and D’Errico

PORDENONE. The deal between Pordenone and Monza suffers a slowdown. Davide Diaw, a Friulian striker under the Brianza team, is not convinced to return to the lizards, with whom he had played in the first round of the previous championship scoring 10 goals. The 29-year-old from Cividale prefers to look around and therefore the negotiation that involved two other players remains on standby: the Monza player Andrea D’Errico (born in 1992), winger in midfield, who would have arrived among the neroverdi, e Patrick Ciurria (’95), striker, ready to do the reverse. The latter two would have moved outright, while Diaw would have returned to De Marchi on loan.

The center forward is stalling, because the market is still in its infancy and many Serie B clubs have set their sights on him: yesterday, in the ranks of suitors, Perugia was also added, following him exactly like Vicenza and Cremonese. It must be said at the same time that Monza would like to sign Ciurria: the new coach Giovanni Stroppa he coached him in Spezia almost ten years ago and wants to bet on him.

On the price of the individual player, however, the lizards do not make discounts: if you want to withdraw it you need to pay a sum between 3, 5 and 4 million euros, otherwise the club – and with it the technician Massimo Paci – they gladly leave from him. On the other hand, the “Fante” among the cadets has become a guarantee: last season he scored 9 goals and served 11 assists (none like him in Serie B in this statistic).

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Meanwhile, on Monday 5th, the team meets after the holidays and no other official will be expected. The only one to record is linked to an outgoing movement: Giacomo Zanotel, born in 2004, officially became a Turin footballer. Attacker or attacking midfielder, he grew up in the neroverdi: from under 14 he went up to Primavera 2, in which he was the protagonist. Thanks to the nursery manager, Denis Fiorin, in this sense Pordenone proves to be a company to follow.

Soon, given that they were included in the Zanotel affair, they will arrive in Friuli from Toro Jean Freddi Greco (2001), former Primavera captain winger, and (2000), Romanian midfielder last season at Imolese in Serie C.

As for the other business we have to wait a few more days: the lizards have an agreement with Hamza El Kaouakibi (’98), Bologna full-back, in the previous tournament in Alto Adige in Lega Pro, e Tomasz Kupisz (’91), exterior of the Salernitana. Regarding the negotiation with Milan for Frank Tsadjout (’99), center forward, there is confidence: the player, on loan in Cittadella in 2020-2021, if he were to arrive, would be one of the key points of the team just as another Rossoneri had been, Tommass Escape (’99) who now seems close to moving permanently to Atalanta. –

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