Home » Bassano, 17 years old in intensive care for bacterial meningitis: hopes are reduced. Prophylaxis for 287 people

Bassano, 17 years old in intensive care for bacterial meningitis: hopes are reduced. Prophylaxis for 287 people

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Bassano, 17 years old in intensive care for bacterial meningitis: hopes are reduced.  Prophylaxis for 287 people

Of Rebecca Luisetto

Hospitalization on Saturday night, after going to the emergency room. Treat close contacts immediately with antibiotics. Screening continues today

More than 24 hours after arrival at the hospital, they are stable the health conditions of the hospitalized 17-year-old from Tezze sul Brenta from the night of February 26, Sunday, to the intensive care unit of San Bassiano, with the terrible diagnosis of meningococcal bacterial meningitis type B. Immediately there was talk of medical intervention in the face of very serious conditions: after more than a day of therapy, the patient would be stable: there has not been a tangible improvement so far and this, in medical terms, reduces the hopes of recovery.

In the emergency room

The boy who, in these hours, is fighting for his life is an athlete; he trains and plays for two clubs: one from Bassano, the other from Riese Pio X, in the Treviso area. The 17-year-old did his last training session in Riese on the evening of Friday 24 February. Saturday night, as mentioned, he was taken to the emergency room with symptoms that triggered the suspicionlater confirmed by laboratory tests, that it could be a serious case of menengitis.

Prophylaxis for 287

The Public Health and Hygiene Service of Usl 7 Pedemontana, immediately has activated the prophylaxis in response to the case: movements have been reconstructed of the boy and, already on Sunday afternoon, it was distributed an antibiotic to the closest contacts: the number of people involved rose to 287. The tracking by the Sisp continues even in these hours: the goal is to identify and treat all possible infected people within the incubation period of the disease.

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The general director

«The codified procedure to deal with this type of emergency it has been shown to work well – he emphasized the General Manager of Usl 7, Carlo Bramezza -. The doctors in the Emergency Room and Intensive Care were able to immediately place the diagnostic suspicion, which was then confirmed very promptly by the analysis laboratory. AND the Sisp intervention for the contact tracing activity was also very timely for the necessary prophylaxis. I therefore want to reassure the citizens that there is no cause for alarm: those who have potentially been exposed to the infection have already been contacted by Sisp operators or will be in the next few hours”.

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February 26, 2023 ( edit February 27, 2023 | 21:09)

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