Home » Potatoes, the trick to lower the glycemic index in 1 move: few know it

Potatoes, the trick to lower the glycemic index in 1 move: few know it

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Potatoes, the trick to lower the glycemic index in 1 move: few know it

Potatoes, do you know the trick to lower the glycemic index? In one move you solve this problem. Few know him. Try it too and you will be able to consume these delicious tubers in a more peaceful way.

Potatoes – Nanopress.it

You love to cook or consume potatoes but are you worried about the high glycemic index? From today this will no longer be a problem. Here you are the trick which will allow you to consume these tubers in total safety.

Potatoes, nutritional values ​​and glycemic index

Between the most consumed tubers in the worldthe food crop of potatoes continues to enjoy extraordinary success. These are obviously versatile ingredients and complete and nutritionally which can be considered as super food because of the composition and their energy intake.

Sack of potatoes – Nanopress.it

100 g of potatoes contain about 76 calories but the latter also vary according to the way we cook them. For example, French fries they can have a caloric value six times or more higher compared to those made in stew or with the boiling technique.

Consequently, they can be defined potatoes as high glycemic index tubers. Esso varies from 65 to 70 always depending on the cooking method. Poor in fat, potatoes are mostly made up of water (at least 80%).

However, the high carbohydrate content which even reaches 20%, makes it a food that you can not consume frequently nor if you suffer from diabetes nor if you are on a diet.

It exists however a trick that few know but that allows you to lower the glycemic index of potatoes. Here’s what you need to do to be able to consume these tubers with more peace of mind.

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How to lower the glycemic index of tubers

If you suffer from diabetes or are on a weight loss diet, you will surely have been told to keep the consumption of certain foods such as potatoes under control. Obviously you don’t need to eliminate them from your food routine but rather consume them sparingly.

Glycemic index – Nanopress.it

For example the tubers mentioned above are rich in rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. What does this mean? Which they are among the foods with the highest glycemic index. You know it’s possible though lower the glycemic index with a trick? We tell you which one.

In reality, there are several solutions that allow you to lower the glycemic index potatoes, for example the choice of tubers, the way we decide to cook them and the foods we combine them with. First, let’s understand better what is the glycemic index and why it’s important to keep it under control.

The glycemic index is a measure which indicates how quickly a food is able to increase the level of blood glucose. Those with a higher glycemic index, for example, do sudden increase in blood sugar.

Potatoes have an index that also fluctuates between 80 and 90: this value is determined by the starch which is digested by our body very quickly, contributing to affect the normal values ​​ofglycemic index of glucose which is equal to 100.

So how to consume these tubers without risking going into hyperglycemia?

First of all, you have to choose the right variety of potatoes. Some present really high glycemic indexes approaching 90others are considerably reduced and even equal to 53.

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Tubers with a lower glycemic index

For example the charisma potato And among the tubers with the lowest glycemic index (53). It follows it the Nicola potato which has a glycemic index of 69 and finally the Russet Burnak potato with a glycemic index of 82.

Potato varieties – Nanopress.it

As you can see, by choosing the correct variety, you can lower the glycemic index and consume these extraordinary tubers with more peace of mind. Also pay attention to cooking. According to some research published in the Journal of American Dietetic Associationconsuming fresh rather than boiling tubers also changes the glycemic index.

For example, mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes significantly increase the glycemic index of these tubers. On the contrary, the baked potatoes have a lower glycemic index.

Another advice from the experts is to eat potatoes in their skins. The latter are rich in fibre and they act on blood sugar. Also pay attention to amountyou must not exceed 150 gr and it is preferable that consume potatoes alone or with foods with a low glycemic indexfor example in the presence of meat or fish.

Still, among the potatoes with the lowest glycemic index are the new onesalso recommended in the diet because they are less mealy and with a lower amount of starch compared to those that we can define as “seasoned”.

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