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Treatment and tips for cellulite

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Treatment and tips for cellulite

The cellulite process is often initiated by a high-calorie diet, you simply consume more energy than the body can burn. The body solves the problem simply by gaining mass: the fat cells, which normally have a diameter of 1.5 mm, swell to the size of a bean.

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Eat a high-fiber, low-calorie diet! Avoid foods with a very high fat content. Do without radical slimming cures that put additional strain on the connective tissue of the skin!

Another effective antidote to cellulite is endurance training – it has been increasingly included in anti-cellulite programs, especially in recent years. Here the individual burning of fat is systematically boosted and the stored fats are given a real boost. In addition, circulatory problems and digestive disorders can be regulated in the long term – both factors that are beneficial to cellulite.

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Train aerobically: That means don’t exercise too intensively – but sufficiently long and regularly! The following have proved their worth: walking, slow jogging, aqua jogging, cycling and endurance swimming.

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The local cosmetic treatment begins with the removal of toxins – massages in particular have a draining effect here!

Whether with a nub brush, sisal gloves or with your hands – it is important for cellulite to carry out the massage without pressure and, above all, regularly. In addition to local treatment, the following extracts with active ingredients have proven effective, which are characterized by their active profile

  • rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, mint,
  • improve the microcirculation in the tissue and promote local purification or tissue drainage (horse chestnut, ivy, arnica),
  • promote cell regeneration and stimulate skin and fat metabolism (caffeine, sea salt from the Dead Sea, algae – red and brown algae).
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When choosing body care products, pay attention to the right active ingredients!

Anti-cellulite preparations are offered as compact creams, light lotions, hydrogels or lipogels. The products are applied, massaged in for several minutes and left on the skin. Red light radiators can intensify the effect by additionally heating the tissue and supporting the introduction of the active ingredient.

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Stabilize the vessels and strengthen the connective tissue!

When it comes to cellulite, the motto is always: Instead of bathing, alternate showers in the morning and then dry brushing – both start away from the heart and end close to the heart. This stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the tissue.

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