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What to see in Benat Harum-Kum | the dress

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Your Place or Mine
The new romantic comedy that hit Netflix last weekend is actually the reason for this post, because after you see this movie (if you’re like me, you will) you’ll want to light a match and immediately watch a real romantic comedy.
in short: This is a romantic comedy from the best-friends-who-might-have-missed-a-romantic-destiny genre.
The innovation: The romantic stars almost never meet the whole movie. In fact, as Buriatti pointed out: these are two different bad movies in one movie (and don’t miss the headline in the New York Times: Your Place or Mine: Try Neither).
And why anyway: A romantic heroine who is two years older than the romantic hero + cute supporting actors.

That’s it, did you light sage? You can make time to see these (one is a classic romantic comedy and two are not):


When Harry Met Sally
Still the mother of romantic comedies: a movie that before it’s a romantic comedy is just a good movie (and thanks to Nora Ephron and Rob Reiner). A romantic comedy that includes all the staples: urban wanderings, a heroine who works in the press, a wardrobe that includes jackets, scenes in bookstores, a wedding scene and most importantly: a big gesture that includes an emotional speech.
The moving speech includes this sentence, which is one of the best sentences ever written:
When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible


Begin Again
Not exactly a romantic comedy. It would be more correct to say that it is a film about all kinds of love that can heal you from the damage caused by inappropriate romantic love. In this respect, this is a film that will suit anyone who is currently suffering from heartbreak (and also for those who are trying to connect with their creative self and are looking for inspiration).

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Lola Versus
Another movie that is actually neither a comedy nor a romance, it just looks that way. In fact, it’s another movie about heartbreak, and even if you haven’t experienced heartbreak since the nineties, this movie will connect you in a second to this whole range of emotions.
Here is what I wrote about it in 2014.
Bonus: It’s a movie full of actors that we (I) love: Greta Gerwig, Debra Messing, Bill Pullman and in the role of Prince Charming – Joel Kinnaman, who has since been in House of Cards, For All Mankind and Altered Carbon.

Permission request: More recommendations on romantic comedies and an explanation of why this is healthy.

Another thing thanks to the great Netflix movie Your Place or Mine:
1. Make it possible to go through Instagram while viewing.
2. A selection of cute locations in New York and LA.
3. It has some things that will appeal to gen x girls like the refusal to remove hair and baths.

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