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Rheumatology in Munich: Avoid chronification

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Rheumatology in Munich: Avoid chronification

Rheumatology in Munich: Early pain therapy is important for rheumatic diseases

In the case of rheumatic diseases, an early start of therapy is particularly important.

MUNICH. At rheumatological diseases it is crucial that inflammation and pain therapy go hand in hand and start as early as possible. If a rheumatic inflammation is left untreated for too long, it can lead to permanent sensitization, in which the pain becomes chronic and takes on a life of its own. This means: cause and pain are no longer in any recognizable connection. As a result, chronic pain can also manifest itself in other parts of the body, independent of the original pain, and affect the whole body. Dr. medical Nikolaos Andriopoulos, rheumatologist at the Sun Health Center (SOGZ) in Munich.

specialist for rheumatology in Munich: Pain therapy must be tailored to the patient

Because the perception of pain is as individual as the patients themselves, pain therapy is needed that is precisely tailored to the needs of those affected. Whether a pain is perceived as unbearable, stabbing, pulsating or throbbing depends decisively on the respective person and their predispositions as well as previous pain experiences and genetic preconditions. In order to be able to control rheumatic pain effectively, the specialists at the SOGZ rely on a suitable mix of medication and non-medication therapies such as physiotherapy and exercise therapy. The central concern of the treatment is to prevent a so-called pain memory and to increase the quality of life of patients affected by rheumatism.

Rheumatologist at the SOGZ Munich explains the pain medication

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For effective pain therapy, which at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect, the treating rheumatologists at the SOGZ Munich non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Her treatment area extends to numerous inflammatory rheumatic diseases as well as arthrosis. If there is a contraindication or if there is no success, alternatives such as paracetamol, opioids, metamizol, injections with glucocorticoids and local anesthetics can also be used. If the pain has already become chronic, pain-modulating preparations such as antidepressants, antiepileptics or muscle relaxants as well as cannabinoids can be used. Lidocaine or the neurotoxin botulinum toxin can also have a soothing effect on muscle contractions and pain. “One thing is clear, however: Pain that has already become chronic requires interdisciplinary cooperation between pain therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists,” says Dr. medical Andriopoulos to consider.

Doctors from various specialist areas are located in the Munich Sun Health Center. The SOGZ in Munich includes a practice for transfusion medicine and haemostaseology, a private medical practice for transfusion medicine, a private medical practice for pediatric and adolescent medicine and an institute for pediatric research and further education. The accompanying doctors are DR. MED. HARALD KREBS, M.SC., DR. MED. MICHAEL SIGL-KRAETZIG and DR. MED. GERD BECKER.

Dr. with. Harald Krebs
Sonnenstr. 27
80331 München
+49 89 1894666-0
+49 89 1894666-11

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