Home » Schlein and Conte at the anti-fascist procession in Florence, thousands in the square

Schlein and Conte at the anti-fascist procession in Florence, thousands in the square

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Schlein and Conte at the anti-fascist procession in Florence, thousands in the square

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Anti-fascist procession in Florence

“For the school, for the Constitution, against all fascism”: under the banner of this slogan, it began this afternoon in Florence the procession with several thousand people organized by the school unions of Cgil, Cisl and Uil “to say no to squad violence to be condemned without ifs and buts, to reiterate that the affirmation and defense of the values ​​of the Constitution born of the Resistance constitute a precise duty for the whole school community and for those in different capacities they act there”. On 18 February last, an attack on two students by some members of the right-wing group Student Action took place in front of the Michelangiolo high school in Florence.

Hundreds of teachers and principals were present at the event not only Florentines but coming from all over Italy to demonstrate “against all forms of violence and in solidarity with my colleague Annalisa Savino”, principal of the ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’ high school, after the attack by the Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, because the teacher had written a letter to the students of her school to warn of the risks of a resurgent fascism. Principal Savino was also present at the procession

Among the participants in the procession also the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, the secretary of the national PNA, Gianfranco Pagliarulothe new national secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinthe leader of the M5s, Joseph Contethe secretary of the Italian Left, Nicola Fratoianni, the secretary of Article 1, Roberto Speranza, Teresa Bellanova of Italia Viva, Angelo Bonellinational co-spokesman of Green Europe and deputy of Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, the Pd group leader in the Chamber, Deborah Serracchiani, the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, the new secretary of the Tuscan Pd, Emiliano Fossi.

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Il procession from piazza Santissima Annunziata it reached piazza Santa Croce, place of the final rally. Among the speeches the Rsu of the three organizing unions, a representative of the parents, of the Anpi, Giuseppe Matulli, president of the Tuscan Historical Institute of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age of Florence and two students: one from the ‘Michelangiolo’ classical high school and one of the scientific high school ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’. In front of the ‘Michelangiolo’ on February 18, two students were attacked by six young people from the right-wing group Azione Studentesca (now under investigation by the judiciary).

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