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eat them every day, they are precious for health

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eat them every day, they are precious for health

Identified 5 anti-inflammatory foods that you need to eat every day: they are health allies. Let’s discover its precious benefits.

The health of the organism passes through a series of habits. Among these is, without a doubt, nutrition. Introducing foods that are too sugary, rich in saturated fat and excessive in calories have a negative effect on the body and on health. In reverse, take care of your dietintroducing healthy and fresh foods can have a beneficial effect on the body and on general health conditions.

Most of the physical problems and some pathologies arise from inflammatory processes that start from one point and spread to multiple levels. For this reason, it is important to know which foods help to counteract and reduce inflammatory processes, solving the problem upstream.

There are 5 anti-inflammatory foods that everyone should consume on a daily basis.

5 anti-inflammatory foods: let’s find out what they are

To eat healthy you need to take care of your diet, paying attention to introduce the right amount of daily fruits and vegetables. In addition to the products offered by Mother Nature, a balanced diet includes the right amount of whole grains and lean proteins.

The effect of anti-inflammatory foods is beneficial for the whole organism, but especially for the cardiovascular system and brain capacity. These benefits can be obtained by taking care of the diet. The nutritionist Sophie Janvier has identified the anti-inflammatory properties of 5 foods which, when combined, produce incredibly beneficial effects.

In particular, the professional has come up with a food plan called Boost 28. It is a diet that allows you to get back in shape in just under a month, 28 days to be exact. The diet in question is anti-inflammatory, to the point that it is particularly suitable for counteracting endometriosis, acne and eczema.

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Furthermore, thanks to a healthy diet it is possible to regulate the blood sugar levels, improving digestion and general energy. After all, one of the foods responsible for inflammatory processes is sugar. For this reason, for years, dieticians and nutritionists have been fighting for people to reduce the amount of sugar ingested daily.

Not surprisingly, in Western industrialized countries there are data that testify to the negative impact of a diet high in sugar and saturated fat. In particular, in these areas of the planet, where it is customary to consume packaged foods rich in sugars, there is a high incidence of cardiovascular diseases and neurological problems of various types.

What are allied health foods?

The 5 anti-inflammatory foods par excellence are fruit, vegetables, whole carbohydrates, vegetable and lean animal proteins.

These are 5 large macro categories within which it is possible to identify various beneficial foods: walnuts, dark chocolate, blueberries, buckwheat, almonds, fatty fish.

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