Home » Those who suffer from arthritis / osteoarthritis should definitely eat these 5 foods to live better

Those who suffer from arthritis / osteoarthritis should definitely eat these 5 foods to live better

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Arthritis and osteoarthritis are two diseases that fall within the so-called rheumatic diseases, i.e. characterized by inflammation of the joints and muscles.

In Italy alone, this disease affects 16% of the population and is the most widespread. In second place we find fibromyalgia, of which there are “very important news for those suffering from this pathology that appears at 40-60 years”.

In particular, osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, which involves a progressive thinning of the cartilages that line the bones. Slowly the joints become less mobile, creating pain and stiffness.
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the inflammatory diseases. It is a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes joint pain, stiffness and fatigue. It mainly affects the joints of the hands, feet, ankles, wrists, knees and shoulders.

Nutrition and movement

For those suffering from these diseases it is very important to try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, starting with nutrition. In fact, we will soon explain that those suffering from arthritis / osteoarthritis must absolutely eat these 5 foods to live better.

Overweight and obesity, in fact, can aggravate the situation due to the overload exerted on the joints. Therefore it is advisable to start a balanced diet and maintain a suitable weight.
To reach the goal it is also necessary to carry out adequate physical activity, every day, with aerobic exercises and long walks.

Those who suffer from arthritis / osteoarthritis should definitely eat these 5 foods to live better

Let’s start with the fish, which we can find in abundance during this period. Especially blue fish, is an excellent source of Omega-3, which limits the formation of inflammatory mediators.
Salmon, mackerel and tuna are also excellent.
Also there meat it is essential, especially the white one, because it allows the right amount of protein and iron.

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For a balanced diet it is also important to consume a good dose of vegetables e fruit fresh in season. These are an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Thanks to their antioxidant properties, they are ideal for fighting joint inflammation.

Another food rich in Omega-3 is the dried fruit, such as walnuts, almonds and oil seeds. Of these, however, it is better not to abuse because they contain a lot of calories.
Also fundamental are the complex carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice and bread, even better if wholemeal.

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