Home » Why only subsidize two-child and three-child families?Hangzhou once explained it this way, and the committee members suggested: families with one child also need to send money |

Why only subsidize two-child and three-child families?Hangzhou once explained it this way, and the committee members suggested: families with one child also need to send money |

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Why only subsidize two-child and three-child families?Hangzhou once explained it this way, and the committee members suggested: families with one child also need to send money |

daily economic news

2023-03-06 11:13:45

Edited by Li Zedong

According to the news from Everyjing.com on March 5, He Dan, director of the China Population and Development Research Center, accepted an exclusive interview with every reporter. He Dan believes that the negative growth of my country’s population is in line with the objective law of economic and social development. The general trend is irreversible, but it can be achieved through policies. The intervention made the population decline a bit slower.

He Dan emphasized,Local governments’ childbearing support policies should not only focus on the second and third children. The first child is too important, which directly affects young people’s parenting experience and decision-making for rebirth. “In layman’s terms, it’s not easy to raise a child, so why have a second or third child?”

He Dan said that the local government gave money to encourage the birth of childrenDon’t just focus on the second and third children,Nor can it be issued only to the registered population.

In this regard, many netizens mentioned Hangzhou’s previous relevant policies.

Hangzhou subsidizes 5,000 yuan for the second child and 20,000 yuan for the third child!

According to Zhejiang Daily, at the third plenary meeting of the third meeting of the 14th Hangzhou Municipal People’s Congress held on February 22, the Hangzhou Municipal Government’s 2023 people’s livelihood practical projects were voted on. It is reported that for the first time this year, Hangzhou will issue childcare subsidies to families with two or three children born to the same couple and whose household registration is registered in Hangzhou.It is planned to provide a one-time subsidy of 5,000 yuan to two-child families and a one-time subsidy of 20,000 yuan to three-child families.

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According to the calculation of the birth rate in 2022, the total amount of childcare subsidies issued this time is expected to be around 140 million yuan, covering 25,000 families.

Image source: Visual China-VCG111332488515

What is the reason for distributing one-time childcare subsidies only to two- and three-child families?

After the policy was promulgated, the “authoritative answer” issued by the Hangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission stated that,Since 2017, the birth rate of the first child in Hangzhou has been generally stable, but the birth rate of the second child has plummeted, and the willingness of citizens of the right age to have a second and third child is obviously low.

According to the survey, the main factors affecting the birth rate of the second and third children in Hangzhou are the pressure of childbearing, parenting, and education. Therefore, Hangzhou has identified these families as the object of childcare subsidies, and adopted a one-time payment of childcare subsidies to relieve the economic pressure of purchasing maternity and child, baby and child products and child care after the child is born, so as to facilitate the easy application, flexible consumption and timely stress reliever.

It is understood that by the end of 2022, Hangzhou’s permanent population will reach 12.376 million.

According to the latest population monitoring data in Hangzhou, the proportion of second-children in the birth population reached a peak of 52.11% in 2017, and has declined year by year. Taking 2022 as an example, the number of second-child births will be 19,200, accounting for only 35.94%, which is lower than the 38.77% level of second-child births before the comprehensive two-child policy in 2015.

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Image source: Visual China-VCG111333207385

Daily Economic News Comprehensive Zhejiang Daily, Every Jingwang, Hangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission

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