Home Ā» Very fast diet of “food liposuction” | Change your life but you need to know the contraindications “Crazy”

Very fast diet of “food liposuction” | Change your life but you need to know the contraindications “Crazy”

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Very fast diet of “food liposuction” |  Change your life but you need to know the contraindications “Crazy”

The very fast food liposuction diet allows you to obtain sensational results, but you must know the contraindications.

A very fast diet that will allow everyone to achieve incredible results. Is this really the most suitable solution to choose? Let’s see what are the benefits and contraindications of holoprotein diet, also called food liposuction. A sensational life change, but at what cost?

Very fast diet of “food liposuction”: what are the contraindications (mammastyle.it)

A real food revolution or a trend of the moment? More and more often we hear about the holoproteic diet of also “dietary liposuction”. It is essentially a power based regimen on two principles: eat more protein and less carbohydrates. Apparently this way of eating leads to sailing results, but also to localized weight loss. But are there any contraindications? Let’s find out.

So how does the holoprotein diet work?but above all what are the cons of this diet? Based on the Blackburn protocol, this type of diet is revolutionary because, through phases, it tends to lose fat mass and preserve lean mass. How? The method to obtain results is medical and concerns the possibility of totally eliminating sugars and carbohydrates. Balancing with a higher intake of protein and amino acids, this diet is definitely beneficial for fast results.

super fast diet what to know
All the contraindications of the very fast diet: be careful (Mamamstyle.it)

You may have already heard of this approach it relies very much on the same principle as the ketogenic diet. But what happens to our body with this type of diet? When carbohydrates are not taken, the body blocks the insulin which in this way does not stimulate the deposit of fat in the adipose tissue. Fat reserves are used in this way to meet the body’s energy needs and are actually reduced. When sugar reserves are exhausted, fats and proteins will serve to supply the body with the nourishment it needs. Therefore, ketosis develops by consuming proteins rather than carbohydratesessential to not feel the stimulus of hunger.

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The holoprotein diet, in detail, is developed in three phases. It has to be of course provided by a nutrition expert and not be a “Do It Yourself”.

  1. The attack. It is a stage from maximum duration of 21 days. We eat only proteins taken half through supplements and the rest with food such as white meat, fish and bresaola. Then add 20 g of carbohydrates (fruit and vegetables only) and 10 of fat.
  2. Transition. It is the second phase and lasts more or less 40 days. At this moment a low-calorie diet is being introduced, that of the Mediterranean diet is perfectly fine as a reference. Carbohydrates are added, but far from protein consumption. In this way the secondary phase will consolidate the first one.
  3. Equilibrium. We return to a diet with all Macros, all foods are reintroduced on the basis of the Mediterranean diet.
attention fast diet
Pay close attention to the holoprotein diet: the reason (mammastyle.it)

With this type of diet, they can also lose 10 kg. THE advantages there are many: fast weight loss, the absence of the sense of hunger, the improvement of cellulite and the reduction of pathologies related to health problems. But there are also some contraindications. Being a type of drastic feeding, it is not suitable for everyone for which should be followed up by a nutrition specialist. The effects can be different: headache, constipation, nausea, bad breath, tiredness and meteorism. Pregnant and breastfeeding women absolutely cannot do it; people suffering from diseases; over 70 and those who do special therapies.

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