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Mayor of Marburg agrees to stop protests with activists

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Mayor of Marburg agrees to stop protests with activists

Sharp criticism of closing ranks

In return, he himself wrote a letter to the federal government and the democratic parliamentary groups in the Bundestag, in which he “supported the substantive demands of the last generation” and asked for a benevolent examination and positive support, Spies said in a statement. Last generation climate activists are offering to halt their nationwide or local protests if governments agree to their demands. This involves the permanent introduction of the 9-euro ticket for public transport, a speed limit on motorways and the formation of a citizens’ or society’s council to deal with climate protection.

Sharp criticism from the Hessian Ministry of Justice

This was partly met with sharp criticism. “Blackmail is not a form of expression of legitimate protest,” explained the domestic spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Manuel Höferlin, to “Welt”. Criticism also came from the Hessian Ministry of Justice: It was a fatal signal if individual mayors now made compromises with the last generation in order to prevent further crimes in their city. The actions of the last generation are based on a completely misguided understanding of democracy and the rule of law. One should not soften the rule of law and democracy in order to free oneself from forms of protest that are punishable by law.

Spies defends his actions

Spies, on the other hand, said the city would not allow itself to be blackmailed. He agreed to the agreement with the activists and the letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) because the goals of the activists coincided with those of the city. The letter “expresses what has been decided in the university town of Marburg,” says Spies. Similar to Hanover, Spies supported in the letter, among other things, the demand for the convening of a “social council” made up of representative and randomly selected citizens. They should “discuss the question of how we can achieve zero emissions in Germany by 2030,” the letter said.

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Editorial office beck-aktuell, March 7, 2023 (supplemented by material from the dpa).

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Preuss, The criminal assessment of the sit-ins by climate activists, NZV 2023, 60

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