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the best way to celebrate this important anniversary” — Emilia-Romagna News

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the best way to celebrate this important anniversary” — Emilia-Romagna News

Bologna – A course for teachers, because equality between men and women can be learned right from school. And another aimed at mediators and cultural mediators to build a bridge to other cultures and traditions. While it is these weeks a bottom and 3 million euros to support the birth and consolidation of women’s businesses. And a tender to improve the quality of women’s work will be released by the summer reconcile life and workwhich will provide 1.5 million euros.

Celebrate March 8th all year round, with policies in the field of work, services, training, gender medicine, rights. To promote a real equality between men and women and combat all forms of discrimination.

The initiatives were illustrated today in Bologna by the regional councilor for Equal Opportunities Barbara Lorion the occasion of International Women’s Day.

Together with one campaign of comunication which between now and the end of 2024 will accompany, explaining and promoting them, these and other regional measures. A “pink” thread which will last until the end of this legislature to remind us that the commitment to equality and rights can only be done on a daily basis, made up of concrete gestures and actions, as also envisaged by the Pact for work and the climate.

Priority is the work themewhere still too often women are penalized in terms of wages, precariousness and professional opportunities.

As evidenced by the success that the regional tender released on February 24th that it makes available is obtaining 3 million euros Of grantsalmost double the resources allocated in 2021, for the development and consolidation of women-run business activities.

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Already 265 questions arrived, with the prospect that the notice will be quickly sold out, before the closing date set for March 28th.

“We want to enhance the contribution of women to our society, also by providing concrete opportunities for decent and quality work – underlined the councilor for equal opportunities Barbara Lori –. We think that the best way to celebrate March 8 is precisely to relaunch our commitment, because women’s is one of the great unresolved issues of this country. So the job. And then the commitment on the cultural front, to defeat still deeply rooted stereotypes, and on the front of rights and integration. The two courses for teachers and cultural mediators go precisely in this direction. While by the end of the summer we will be launching another initiative destined to promote quality employment for women and to favor the reconciliation of life and work, which will be able to count on an allocation of 1.5 million”.

The course for teachers and the one for cultural mediators

will start on March 17 the course promoted by the Region, on the basis of a three-year agreement with the regional school office to train teachers and school staff on equality issues.

I’m at the moment 145 accessions in the first edition, aimed at teachers of the second cycle of education and training, and there is time to register until March 10th.

The lessons will be on the theme “Equal opportunities education with particular reference to overcoming gender stereotypes”.

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The route, with a total duration of 25 ore, is composed by 3 thematic webinars (17 and 27 March and 18 April) and from one corso in e-learning on the SELF platform of the Emilia-Romagna Region. To those who participate with at least 70% attendance, after passing the final testa certificate of participation will be issued.

A few weeks later, on April 5, the first will start course on issues of equality between men and women aimed at cultural mediators. An initiative resulting from an agreement between Region ed Anci Emilia-Romagna aimed at an audience of approx 120 brokers with both face-to-face and remote lessons. Among the topics that will be addressed: the different forms of discrimination to which migrant women may be exposed and the tools for establishing relationships with victims from different cultural backgrounds. The trainers are experts and scholars from three Anti-Violence Centers in the Region: Nondasola Reggio Emilia, MondoDonna Bologna, Plot of lands Imola. Five meetings scheduled until October for a total of 14 hours of course, at the end of which a certificate of participation will be issued.

The communication campaign

Are you tired of celebrating March 8th? We do not” il claim of the campaign launched in these days to underline that March 8 is not only an anniversary on the calendar, but also an opportunity to take stock of what has been done, and then continue to do.

The initiative is already underway, with posters in municipalities with over 30,000 inhabitants; banners on local online newspapers; advertisements in local newspapers and posters. Just a first step of the campaign”I love being a woman” which will continue throughout 2023 and 2024. A wide-ranging campaign that will have periodic releases to accompany the regional measures on some issues considered of particular importance: precisely work, the life balance; welfare and services in the social-health field, training and education with particular regard to the study of STEM subjects; the rights.

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Paola Fedriga


teacher training program and enrollment link; the communication campaign; Women’s Entrepreneurship Fund card

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