Home » Migrant massacre: Piantedosi, the harsh reactions of Pd, M5S and Renzi

Migrant massacre: Piantedosi, the harsh reactions of Pd, M5S and Renzi

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Peppe Provenzano, former minister and number 2 of the Democratic Party (Imagoeconomica)

Provenzano: He didn’t explain the chain of command – “Who prevented the police operation from evolving into relief? Minister Piantedosi did not explain what the chain of command is, discharging the responsibility on the finance police and the coast guard. Aa question must be answered: who decided in those 6 hours of gap that should remain a police operation and not a rescue? The crux is all here: the priority of police operations is a political choice, it is your entire policy”. Thus Beppe Provenzano speaking in the Chamber on the information of the Minister of the Interior on the shipwreck of Cutro. “Those journeys of hope exist not because there are smugglers but because there are no humanitarian corridors, if there are no legal alternatives the only escape routes from dictatorship, misery and hunger are illegal ones”, insisted the exponent of the Democratic Party, replying to the minister. “You said that desperation does not justify: the fault lies with the fathers and mothers, the fault lies with those who leave and those who die. You have stained the institution you represent with infamy, Italy does not look like you and weeps with pain for those dead”, he continued, recalling that “the criminalization of rescues is the thread that binds the rules, the circulars, the security decrees that you want to reintroduce, the rules against the NGOs that try to make up for the shortcomings of the institutions. The survivors are under investigation , it is the practice, it is the shame of Bossi-Fini, the mother of all errors and horrors, we ask you to at least safeguard the dignity of the people in the Cara of Crotone”.

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Baldino (M5s): government hides responsibility – “The M5s does not say that the government has voluntarily and knowingly let those people drown but believes that it is doing everything to hide the responsibilities that are highlighted every day in all their profound gravity. There are obscure points that we have a duty to clarify , as what went wrong in the chain of command so that what happened never happens again. We owe it to the victims and to our country to the police forces and to the citizens of Crotone”. This was stated by the M5s vice president, Vittoria Baldino, in the Chamber during the briefing by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi on the tragic story of the sinking of a boat loaded with migrants off the coast of Steccato di Cutro.

Renzi: why didn’t the Coast Guard come out? – “If the Guardia di Finanza comes out for a police operation and then has to go back because the sea is high, why doesn’t the Coast Guard come out to intervene? This is the question you didn’t answer and this It’s the point you haven’t made.” Thus Matteo Renzi, speaking in the Senate after the information from the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, on the shipwreck of migrants off the Calabrian coast. “Here no one can afford to tell others that looting is being done – added Renzi – after the massacre in the Sicilian Channel of 2015 Meloni asked that I be investigated for a state massacre, this is an act of looting. I do not ask and I will not ask for Piantedosi’s resignation, but when I was in government Salvini asked for the resignation of Minister Alfano 137 times,” added Renzi. “Even at the M5S I also remember that it was Conte who changed the rules with the Salvini decrees, anyone who wants to talk about looting must examine their conscience”. “Is there or isn’t there a European question? Yes, there is. But if there is, this can be resolved by making agreements in Europe but not with the Visegrad countries”, added Renzi. (breaking latest news) Mgm 071724 MAR 23 NNNN

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